Pentagon leaders on Tuesday said that they have not received any requests to deploy active-duty or National Guard troops to handle potential civil unrest during the November presidential election, despite President Trump’s call for his supporters to act poll watchers.
I don’t think he does ‘sad’. He’s likely to get more vindictive, more prone to advocate violence in the streets. It’s all he knows: fight, fight, fight. If he were fighting for something worthwhile, I’d say that wasn’t a bad thing. But all he’s fighting for is to put off having to declare bankruptcy.
Donnie knows a guy who can get some off the books muscle, he just needs to snap his fingers and Erik can have as many as Donnie wants. Established firm, none of this office in a UPS store in strip mall shit.
“Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, who heads up the D.C. National Guard, similarly remarked that federal agencies have not asked for military troops in anticipation of potential election-related unrest and that the Guard’s focus would be limited to protecting federal property and supporting law enforcement.”
Except it;s not going to happen in DC., it’s going to happen in Texas or Georgia or Alabammy.
Exactly as it should be…the military has a role in supporting the police in case of widespread violence, but no role in overseeing out elections. Troops standing outside polling places would be about the absolute worse thing, and an indication that we’d sunk well into being a dictatorship. It’s good to see that military leadership understands that, and really not surprising as they take their role very seriously. I have no doubt there are troops that would gladly help Trump get elected in any way possible, but it will be a small minority and not leaders.
Let’s hope it stays this way…I can easily see Trump panicking and trying to reply the military, and pulling levers until he hits one that causes more chaos.
OT Speaking of the Pentagon and Socialism… Trump wants the US Military be more like China’s where they own all kind of industries and run all sorts of things.
Eh, federal infrastructure independent of private control isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I mean, we all use GPS, right? Gov’t satellites. And DARPA’s done some really handy things in the past… like this whole internet thing.
Doesn’t mean I trust this moron with any of it, but the basic idea of ‘maybe the United States should have a publicly-owned 5G network’ in and of itself isn’t instantly execrable.
I believe there is no way the military will help Donnie Dimwit hold on to power. He is under 50% approval with the entire military, but largely reviled among the officer corps. Additionally, the way he’s treated the FBI, CIA and the rest of the Intelligence community, most of whom recognize he has been compromised by Russia, means that he will not be able to count on their support.
All he has is Barr’s little green men. If tRump loses, and especially if he loses in a landslide, he will have no legitimate ability to bring force to bear. And if he thinks he can hide behind the Secret Service, at this point they’ll be lining up for the privilege of dragging him bodily out of the White House.