Pence Reacts To Diplomats Testifying | Talking Points Memo

Pence’s nose is nowhere near as clean as he is pretending.


In Other News…

This is a weak offering by Pence, telling me that either his lawyers or his handlers are From the Bench.

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Same as it ever was.


There people—a lot of people—who will vote for a candidate who opposes access to safe, legal abortions over a candidate who supports access to them.

They will support this candidate despite any misgivings they have about the candidate, even about the candidate’s character, or if the candidate supports policies that negatively impact them. This tendency in a swath of the electorate has been carefully cultivated and will not change.


This is actually one of the scariest, most upside down, dark is light piece of Orwellian pure poison I have seen from this era.


well, that attempt at possibly being presidential,


My personal marker for Trump conviction in an impeachment trial is if Pence gets pushed out for some more palatable VP who is not connected to Hair Furor. Pence will be completely damaged goods if Trump is convicted and Repubs will want a viable path to 2020 success.

If Pence leaves to “spend more time with his family,” that means conviction. Until then (which admittedly is a pipe dream), Repubs will just say "what Trump did was awful but clearly not impeachable


Yes, he does think his voters are that stupid. There is no other way to read this:

“There is no question when President Trump said we were going to drain the swamp, but an awful lot of the swamp has been caught up in the State Department bureaucracy and we’re just going to keep fighting it, and we are going to fight it with the truth.”


That’s a good point about evangelicals being wired to fall behind authoritarian figures. It’s the only way to explain how they can so easily ignore Trump’s obvious moral failings as a leader – the pussy grab comment, the constant lying, even putting children in cages. The authoritarian reflex overrides all of it.

I don’t think that describes Pence though. He’s a committed evangelical, but his defense of Trump is political and situational. He’s the VP and that position is locked in.The job description is to support the President no matter what, so he’ll go down with the ship.


It can be both: he strikes at their enemies and is also their ticket to the rapture. They are authoritarian followers, very true, but they also want revenge and lust for chaos, an impulse driven by their grotesque interpretation of scripture but also by a civic nihilism that unites many Trump supporters, evangelical and non-evangelical alike.


Dear Mother Pence,

If you want your husband to become President, tell him to stop defending Trump in public, he is an elected official, he does not have to take orders from Trump. The way it’s going he will get impeached as well anbd there would not be anyone to pardon all the GOP criminals.


Don’t measure new Oval Office drapes yet as you are part of the Trump Swamp
You Christian Hypocrite!


I think you’re both correct. Pence has all the steadfastedness of a big loogie hawked against a wall and slimin’ on down thanks to the pull of gravity. He is a true believer until a cold wind blows or a passing breeze of opportunity gave him the chance as, so aptly worded by Mr. demosthenes,

Pence is a weasel and would shiv Trump in a nanosecond if he could get away with it.

I think we all agree on the general nature of Pence’s character(?), particulars remain to be exposed!


The swamp’s already drained, right into the West Wing.


Of course ‘drain the swamp’ was going to become ‘identify, smear and root out anyone in government who’s first loyalty is to their county’.

Really, if you take whatever these people say and assume it means the exact opposite you won’t be far wrong.


"the ongoing testimonies by career diplomats as part of the impeachment inquiry only reinforce the Trump administration’s need to ‘drain the swamp.’”

Um, Mr Vice President, are you aware of the stench where you work?


My very first thought too…


I[quote=“ghost, post:14, topic:153822, full:true”]
He’s such a disgusting, hypocritical POS.

(Sorry, not in the mood to be more clever today.)

Quite alright. I’m not sure how to express the profound intensity of my own contempt in words. Puking seems like an option though.


In the words of Karen Carpenter-“we’ve only just begun”.

Every morning I wake up expecting to read that the Capitol has burnt down, and Trump will send the DOJ to find the culprits.


Done it already. And it was appropriate.