Pence Aide Emphasizes VP Did Not Bring Up Biden Investigations With Ukrainians

Okay, so maybe not but,
The Taco Bowl in a cage?


If by ‘gift shop’ you mean ‘toilet paper aisle at the Walmart’ then yes, there will.

Recreated aisles of that and…
Pizza by Papal Johns
Chx Sndx from Chic Filet
Craft kits from Hobby Lobbyu
Construction supplies from Home Redux
Water from thirsty Nestly’ngs

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In fact, Pence has never been in the White House, let alone in the company of Donald Trump. He’s never done a single thing, ever, to do with this administration, except one time he left a football game early in protest of NFL players kneeling. Otherwise, he’s been pretty much praying 24/7. He’s clean, America!


Swalwell got Morrison to admit to the same rift - even though Trump asked for Biden investigations in the July call that he was on, Morrison, like Pence, didn’t ask about investigations in subsequent meetings with Ukrainians


Gilded and mounted in an “action pose,” of course.


well he’s flaky all right

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Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate.


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oh there just letting everyone know that they are available for future job openings.
like being the next people in line at the unemployment office.

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But does Mother approve?

What did the Vice President know, and when did he know it? Can we exhume Howard Baker to ask this question?

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We can see that Pence, the loyal sycophant, is moonwalking away from this one. The pluses of associating with Trump are diminishing, particularly as Nikki Haley has made it pretty clear about her own ambitions. The presidency may now be out of reach for Sanctimonious Mike; it’s become more important to avoid the federal slammer.

Maybe we can look for a Spiro Agnew-esque nolo contendere out of Mikey at some point.