Trump is too big a risk. The voters need to let their Senators know that their jobs depend on impeaching Trump. The Senators can look at Georgia and read the tea leaves.
Has the narrative around the election finally caught up with the reality that we won the senate, the house, and the White House or are we still running scared from our shadows?
Impeach him again. Make everyone go on the
And that’s the root of the problem.
Any “unification” has to come from their side by rejecting their own crazies in the base and office. Their refusal to do so is just digging in deeper on the concept that they can no longer live in a democratic society. They do not want self governance, they only want their side in power. Elections are not about that self determination anymore for them, its about taking victory laps, owning the libs, and when they don’t win, throwing tantrums.
To me, its actually a huge fundamental difference in how the right and the left view the world. But it does mean, we have a sizable number of people in this country who can no longer function in a democratic system.
Pelosi said that he can pardon himself from federal crimes, but he can’t do so for state crimes.
As far as I know, his right to pardon himself is still very much undecided.
Denial is one hell of a drug and not just a river in Egypt.
The ascendency of the puerile.
Yeah, never been done so has never had its day in court. Which the scholars love, because it’s given them reams of papers and op-eds to opine on, everything from yes to no to maybe.
If I was him, I’d figure it was at least worth the shot, as that would buy time against charges while the case was fought over whether they could even bring charges.
I guess I started seeing opinions on this a couple of years ago, and any serious legal scholar treated it as a ridiculous notion. You can’t be both judge and defendant. It’s absurd.
Miscellany: The paranoid style, sex and Dennis Hastert. Fascinating thread.
And, of course, the only solution for thusly-caused further division is more violence, more insurrection.
It’s the only way.
Yes, and it’s difficult to see how members of Congress could avoid making it personal.
That’s why they say they’re coming back to do more insurrections and they’re going to be all shooty this time.
In The Atlantic, Ben Wittes made a fairly persuasive (to me) argument that a self-pardon would compel the Justice Department to bring a case, any case, against Trump that they otherwise would reject as too weak, among other problems. The TL;DR is that it’s a bad idea for Trump to even try it. Of course, that probably means he won’t be able to resist.
I think I have read somewhere that there is some question about whether or not he can be impeached after he has left office though.
Did she?
House Republicans side with terrorists:
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) said, “We must come together to heal our nation,” but added that an effort led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to impeach Trump “will further divide us.”
“It is a politically motivated effort by Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats that will fracture our nation even more instead of bringing us together,” he said.
I remember a Republican speaking to our Young Republicans Club spewing allegations of pedophilia against Democrats…in 1964.
When violence is your response and solution to just about everything, it makes the decision process much easier.
We must heal as a nation, but not in a way that involves consequences for the party that caused the problems we must heal from.
It’s insane. They’re all going to start wearing ribbons.