Pelosi Says Trump’s Massive Debt Is A ‘National Security’ Concern

Trump don’t need your stinkin’ badges promoting your skills. He’ll get 'em his usual way, pay someone to do the work for him.


With what money?


Perhaps the best part of Joe Biden becoming president in January of 2021 is that Vladimir Putin will no longer be the most powerful person in America.


Somebody else’s, obviously. Like always.


“Post deleted.”

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The same source of money he used to pay Joe Shapiro. You know for that thing to make him look smart.


Wouldn’t be surprised.

But besides that, her talent for knowing exactly how to kick Trump when he’s down is beautiful. And her timing never fails. She always lets things stew a bit, and then she goes in for the ultimate kill.


how about:

“Just we are all on the same page, this $400 million debt was a national security concern when running for president in 2015, when he asked for russia’s help in 2016, when he signed a tax break for himself 2017, when he kissed putin’s ass in Helsinki in 2018, and while he golfed away all of 2019 too. Republicans just couldn’t be bothered to ask, they didn’t want putin’s puppet to get more upset.”


National Security and his debt burden should be the drumbeat. I understand that in ancient Rome, Cato the Elder used to end every speech with the statement that “Carthage should be destroyed.”. Every speech by anyone associated with the Dems should end with “What are the national security implications of having a POTUS who is so deeply in debt to foreign countries?”.


Who is going to break it to Patrick Lynch and the rest of the NYPD that between Fred and Donnie and their tax avoidance schemes is why their pay checks were so small in 70s, 80s, 90s, and so on?


Nancy is 110% right, it is a national security threat. But the more pointed - and where Biden should and is going - problem for him is (a) he only paid $750 in taxes due to criminal tax fraud, and (b) part of that was deducting $71,000 in hair care costs as a business expense.

Figures that stick in peoples head, and particularly those which make them look stupid and corrupt, are the most powerful. E.g. Marcos looted Billions, but what do we remember? Imedos tens of thousands of shoes.

Make it about the $71,000 in hair cuts he cheated on his taxes by deducting, and then pivot to the $140M he has spent having the tax payer fly him around to play golf…


No one would be given security clearances by the intelligence community if they had financial records like Fat Ass! NO ONE!

Pelosi is, once again, absolutely correct. And the fact that this kicks Trump right in the balls is the cherry on top - and just before the debate tomorrow, too! He will go ballistic against “Nasty Nancy” and look like an even bigger asshole, if still possible.


so trump is an “owned” bag boy by someone out in the big bad world.
who knew lol
I wonder wonder who.
mmmm the list long and I am sure they are going to be such nice people when they want there 300 million back.
think he would sell our country out?
you bet he would and probably already has in numerous ways.


Unfortunately, Donnie blew through all of Fred’s money a long time ago.


I expect that owing that much money, especially to a foreign bank, would negate a security clearance for every person but a president.

@devonessex beat me to it


I know they have Civil War re-enactors. Maybe Fat Ass will be the first Mussolini re-enactor! Although Melanoma will have to put on a few pounds to resemble Benito’s mistress, but it is within the realm of possibilities!


I have a theory about those people, and that is that most of them are waiting to vote for the candidate that they think is going to win. And those folks are going to vote for Biden because the polls will show he is way ahead.


From “Esquire” the mag.
Wayne Barrett, 1979 on Trump:
“small and venal, with no ideas big enough to transcend profit”
I have bitched about the MSM knowing they knew about Trump but continued to kiss his indebt ass because it was easy news.
Are you fuckers in the MSM going to make a stand or what?


Go get 'em Madam Speaker!

What are the odds that Biden will be able to ask Trump for the sources of his loan debt in tomorrow’s debate? I don’t know if it would fit under any of the listed topics, or if Chris Wallace would go there. But Biden needs to slip this shiv in somewhere during the debate, even if he has to bring it up himself.

Donald, if you’re in the clear and not beholden to a foreign power or their minions with your loan debt, just turn over your taxes and clear it all up, m’kay?”


After all that we have been through do you really want us to be subjected to the sight of Fat Nixon in jodhpurs?

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