Pelosi Doesn’t Regret Articles Delay | Talking Points Memo

I think what Madam Speaker has set up is a intra-battle between McConnell vs Trump. The seasoned (tough) statesman against a incompetent newbie who somehow has won the hearts and minds of the GOP base. McConnell would prefer that he work in the background on process and procedures while keeping his caucus inline with a whip. Now contrast that with Trump who want a Busby Berkeley production, with Trump center stage, and everyone else dancing around him.
McConnell does’t want witnesses and only wants to give a perfunctory nod to the rules, while Trump insists that this be conducted as a “show trial” in that every witness ‘shows’ their love and devotion to him.


AND, “all roads lead to Putin.” That photo will go down in history.


Okay so some juicy bits are transmitted here, Nancy making personal chump change out of Trump. But I read elsewhere that Pelosi opened the door to the possibility that the House could call witnesses if the Senate doesn’t. She also didn’t close the door on additional articles of impeachment when Stephanopoulos asked about that.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday did not rule out the possibility of a House subpoena for testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton and other witnesses sought by Democrats, depending on whether the Senate seeks testimony in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

“It’s not excluded, but we’ll see what they do,” she told ABC Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.”

She also did not rule out the possibility of additional articles of impeachment against the president in the future.

“You said he’s violating the Constitution again and again. Do you think it’s possible that the House might have to file new articles of impeachment?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“Let’s just see what the Senate does. The ball will be in their court soon,” Pelosi replied.


Great Post



Don’t think that reporter has been born yet.


It is beginning to seem like that. Fingers crossed.


2/3 of the so-called ‘delay’ was Congress’ holiday recess! People were too busy writing Christmas cards to write their Senators!

Stephanopoulous is a deliberate and embarrassing tool, to even ask the question that way. Moscow Mitch and Brown Nosed Lindsey wanted nothing more than to make the whole thing go away as quickly and quietly as possible, while nobody was paying attention. There was no reason to give those wastes of carbon the opportunity.


Wow! She is really good.

We as a country should be relieved that we have such leaders to save the democracy from the evil assholes like Trump and McConnell and their lickspittles like Lindsey and MCCarthy and the other GOP members of the Congress and the Senate.


Oh, the Republicans are hosed, alright.


The stigma of impeachment. The pistil of smoking.

ETA Since deleted and reposted sans “hose” and with spurious caps.


I don’t see that at all. It is a D and R thing…they will go to the mat and question everything Ds do while giving complete passes to Rs


It’s good to remember that the Clinton impeachment vote was in mid-December, but the articles were not set to the Senate until January 6.


The stigma of 8X8/Supermax awaits.


OT,Follow up to my earlier post about press briefings and one who is against TRUTH.

" Why Ari Fleischer is against resurrecting the extinct White House press briefings

Salon talks to the Bush-era press secretary about the duties of that role and the current 300-day briefing blackout"


It’s because her PR people got her on a show precisely so she could answer the questions that are in the air, because they have the brains to realize voters are asking them too. This was almost a dream interview. Stephanopoulos followed a perfect script for Pelosi’s purposes. If anything, it was a little too obviously preplanned. But it was not an attack on a woman.


And doesn’t realize the nicknames make him look like a child.


Someone should make a movie with an idiotic imbecile as the monarch of an empire taking his country down the road to destruction only to be stopped by a grandmother who, after watching the unfolding fiasco for a while, suddenly comes from almost nowhere and saves the kingdom by putting the infantile imbecile back in his crib.

It will be a blockbuster.


Such a child -this man has the nuclear codes. Three of those Hose Republicans voted with Democrats wrt War Powers and Iran. He is insufferable.


It’s better to remember that the Clinton impeachment vote got fewer votes than The Rump did. And not all the Clinton articles even passed the House.


He’s a despicably oily right-wing liar whose opinions are ludicrous and self-serving.


Yes, if it takes the rest of the week to get the managers assigned and transmit the documents to the Senate then they are looking at the Martin Luther King Jr. break which has traditionally been a week. Then they are back for a week before the Iowa caucus and the State of the Union. So it’s quite possible that the trial could be delayed until mid February without the Dems taking any blame foe the extra month. Otherwise Moscow Mitch will have to rush it through and Speaker Pelosi has laid the groundwork for that tactic to blowup in his face.
I’d say she knows just what she’s doing.