And the judge replied “whatcha smokin?” then ruled against the defense motion.
More Mulligans than a Trump golf tournament.
Rarely granted.
Assuming sequestration wasn’t breached, I can’t see why they ever would.
O things happen that do require a mistrial - besides jury problems. They just don’t happen often. hahahahaha And I don’t see it here at all.
Can’t say this enough. It’s bull and they know it.
The judge maybe shouldn’t have said this? The jury would not have been present for this right?
I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned," Cahill said as arguments in the case concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.
O yeah they do. I’m sure there are loads of cop jokes about it.
The GOP has no shame and no regard for truth or justice.
Even though I’m from Maryland (Pelosi’s birthplace), I have to say that Nancy is either past it or an idiot. Waters comments were easily on a level with the Orange Asshole’s on Jan. 6th. The only reason that the Dems could have for not censuring her is that she is black. Sad!
I’ve crapped my pants and I want some attention. NOW!
Could you try to be less wishy washy?
This is who they are and this is how they act.
They don’t have American values.
What is your call? Guilty? Not? Hung? Mistrial?
Maxine Waters has been saying stupid, counterproductive things for more than a quarter of a century and the Democratic leadership has been making excuses for her for just as long. Of course the Republicans are raging hypocrites about this but Waters makes an easy target. I like Pelosi but this is not her finest hour. You have a Congresswoman who has previously made excuses for rioting and looting, so when she says “get more confrontational” she means it in the tradition of John Lewis and MLK? Please.
They won’t get a mistrial and the judge was just saying that to help prevent one.
Floyd died almost a year ago, and the jurors have heard a lot of big name people express their opinions since then, read a lot of newspapers, seen a lot of the videos, read thousands of opinions on the net, etc. etc. One more person is not going to change them.
Sounds like you’re the one past it or an idiot. Sad! Really, that comment was just inane.
link to her excuses for rioting and looting if you can.
Did you hear Paul Butler on one of the NPR shows this weekend (can’t remember which show it was despite hearing it two or three times)? He said that every year he has a cop come speak to his law school class at Georgetown and the officer offers students the opportunity to ride with him in his patrol car. When he’s on patrol, the cop tells the student to pick out any car he or she wants and he’ll figure out a reason to pull the car over and then do so. Scary.