What a sad, sad joke. Dear God, we need real leadership and we’re stuck with these two…
There’s a whole “Why bother, laws don’t stop criminals” - segment of the gun population. To which I argue, "Laws make it possible to PROSECUTE after the fact . "
I think universal mandatory background checks are a good place to start. “Gun Nuts” will find a way around ANY law - but ‘They won’t stop criminals’ is not an argument for not passing them.
Which has never stopped us from making laws about anything else…
If we only had laws that criminals won’t break, we wouldn’t have any laws at all. I don’t see anyone screaming that we shouldn’t have laws against running stoplights, committing larceny or selling drugs even though those laws are broken every day.
Those weapons are very good for dear hunting because the type of round they use automatically turns the meat into sausage so you can skip the butcher.
They’re friggin’ horrible for deer hunting. The sprawl of the rounds ruins the meat, the bullets lack the stopping power of a proper hunting rifle, leading to unnecessary suffering…
Or maybe midway through Trump’s third term you will be wishing you had an AK.
… the two promised a joint Rose Garden appearance if the President pushed Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to pass it in the Senate.
Big mistake.
If this bill were to pass, Chiselin’ Trump would want to get all of the credit. He would not want to share the spotlight with any members of Congress; particularly Democrats.
I thought the El Paso shooter had a mental health history that would have prevented purchase. He did buy the gun via a private sale with no background check.
I only see references to them looking into that, nothing about whether they found anything.
That’s not true. Focusing on Mass shootings is not the way to judge the effectiveness of Universal background checks.There are 32000 gun related deaths each year in this country, only as small fraction of those are in mass shootings. As it as, any yahoo who can speak the language of the gun nut can walk into any gun show in the country and buy a hand gun. (I’ve bought a couple handguns this way myself. They are absolutely untraceable to me.) He may have to do this because he has a restraining order or his threats have caused law-enforcement to remove all the guns from his home. Said yahoo can then stroll over to the ex-wife’s, ex-girlfriend’s or the current focus of his stalking adventures and shoot them. Or he can shoot himself. This can and does happen. Universal background checks could stop some of it.
Fair point-- but then don’t market it as a selling point to stop mass shootings, but rather all the other shootings.
Right now, it’s being marketed as a mass-shooting fix.
Never let a crisis go to waste. the 32k gun deaths a year is an ongoing bigger crisis, but is not perceived as such. So use the crisis that works.
But then when you pass it, and nothing changes with mass shootings, people will use that as a data point to say that gun control can’t work…
Pelosi And Schumer Apply Pressure On Universal Background Checks
Do those two think a single GOPer gives a shit what they have to say?
I think the GOP wants Americans to shoot each other. I mean. it’s the Wild West still…isn’t it? Suck that drink and throw down on yer neighbor with that AK dammit!!
Remember that this is a single shot Winchester 30/30:
How d’ya think that would go down in a movie theater or college bar? Or maybe at a football game?
393 million guns already in private hands in America. It’ll take a few generations, and closing the private sale background check loophole is one step among many. And don’t worry about those making the argument you quote; they’re not reachable.
Unfortunately neither Nancy or Chuck seems to understand who they are dealing with. Its like their pal Uncle Joe, they think when Donald leaves it will all be hunky dory.
Not to be picky, but that’s a lever action, I don’t know if its a 30/30 or not, but it wasn’t a single shot. That was the “cool” thing about it, the big loop lever and the way he worked the action when he was shooting.
Unfortunately, I agree with you.
Give them universal background checks (which must happen), and they will say “that’s enough”. Pelosi and Schumer are going for the low hanging fruit, but any effective gun control/mass shooting legislation will have to include strict elimination of 10+ round magazines. I applaud Beto for mandatory AR style buybacks. At present, that is a pipe dream, but can be used as a compromise to voluntary buyback and magazine restriction.
Magazine restriction is key. U Background checks are required, but baby steps. We need real action now.
When I say “single shot” I mean the rifle does not reload automatically like a semi-auto does. Hence the lever action. But I thought it was “cool” as well.
But I agree with your assessment of Chuck and Nancy.
You mean the suicide perpetrators?
I haven’t seen that data - got a cite?
I know you aren’t talking about the “gang-bangers”.
Maybe the family-annihilators?