It’s so refreshing to see the GOP putting forward their best and brightest candidates who are willing to sacrifice the entire country to satisfy their nihilism.
This must be a mistake, because this person is not a member of the Democrat Party - you know, the ones that support “grooming”:
Oh, and here’s another anti-woke, family values, Disney-hatin’, Trump-lovin’, January 6th insurrection-supportin’ American patriot who will almost certainly have a “D” placed after his name if FoxNews ever reports on this, which is highly doubtful:
Also OT, but it’s just too funny when Sherrod Brown tells Trump-drooler Lindsey to shut his pie hole:
I like how his sunglasses sit on his Neanderthal brow.
The last time I ever saw a guy dressed like that was in the Gold Coast leather bar in Chicago in 1980. What a queen he was!
Typical Republican behavior.
That kind always turns out to be a bottom, too.
If there’s spousal abuse, gun violations, pedophilia, child porn, sex trafficking, drugs, DUI, tax evasion or skullduggery involved in some pol’s scandal sheet, you just know it’s a Repub. The party of family values is famously lacking in any. Plus I bet they get way more abortions, way more government benefits, and way more sweetheart deals, than Dems.
Drain the swamp and it’ll be teaming with GOP corpses and not a few live bodies.
It’s as if Saruman was manufacturing them out of the muck like he did the Uruk H’ai Orks.
In other abuse and sexual assault news:
He said that he suspects potential involvement from one of his “primary opponents” and placed extensive blame on “liberal” media outlets
There’s just a complete disconnect between his lies and any kind of logical reasoning. The information is easily verifiable with the slightest bit of follow-up and yet he seems to assume that there’ll be no attempt at accountability. Five-year-olds lying about if they washed their hands can come up with more plausible arguments.
I think “Shut up, Lindsey!” should be the Democrats’ battle cry.
A lot more meaningful and a lot more fun than the MAGAs’ “Let’s Go, Brandon”.
A man as deeply into the middle of a divorce shouldn’t be wasting his time running for office. He has more important things to do.
I like “Choke on it, DeSantis!”
Oooh! I like that too!
Pennsylvania voters were stupid enough to send Frothy Santorum to the Senate twice.
They’re stupid enough to elect Mastriano, his buddy and Oz the Quack.
He likes beer, too. And feeling sorry for himself. And blaming women. Brothers from another mother with Kavanaugh and Thomas.
Pennsylvania voter here. Thanks for the compliment…
I’m going to go there and point have you looked at the dude? How else was he going to get laid?