PA GOP Committee Meeting To Censure Toomey Concludes With No Resolution | Talking Points Memo

Does it count as a metaphor if it’s, you know, manifest? I’m saying I think they’ve gone right past metaphor and allegory, and have shambled straight into “cautionary tale.”

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GOP in a nutshell: “It’s Cancel Culture when the Democrats punish someone for what they did. When we punish someone for what they did, it’s righteous. And we don’t care if what they did was The Right Thing To Do, we only care that it’s not what we want.”

In fact, GOP meetings of any kind these days should be called “The Nutshell”.

I took the 3rd Reich as the cautionary tale. The Rs obviously did not.

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I suspect the great George Carlin had it about right.

“You break a crumb in half, hey–you got TWO crumbs!” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :mask:

If they could only have been able to mail in their votes.

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