Over 700,000 Jobs Lost In March Amid Pandemic, According To Labor Department

Turns out that the Navy hospital ship that was sent to New York is a joke, it doesn’t take Covid-19 patients and anybody that i t takes it must be certified that is Covid-19 free. So patients have to be taken somewhere else certified and then taken to the hospital ship. It has taken in only 20 patients so far. Apparently it was deployed for the Puerto Rico hurricane relief as well, and didn’t do shit then either.


It was NEVER supposed to take COVID-19, the ship was always intended to take non COVID-19 patients to offload/free up room at the hospitals for COVID patients.

Comfort will start taking on more patients next week as the hospitals move them out to make way for COVID influx.



Great new graphics from the Times

I posted a comment which included

Just like the Great Depression will forever be associated with the term “Hoovervilles”, our President deserves a similar eponymous tribute… Those refrigerated trailers that you see parked out by every major hospital where the bodies are getting stacked should forever be known as: “Trump Trailers”

If you can, go over an recommend it, I really want Trump Trailer to stick…

The comment is currently awaiting moderation…

Edit: just got approved, make it trend…


Guess what Florida is getting hit hard by unemployment, not surprising since tourism is 90 billion industry. But the previous Republican administration deployed a system that made it so hard to claim unemployed benefits that is now overwhelmed.


The problem is that once you take a patient to another hospital that is treating Covid-9 patients (and all are), then he is a Covid-9 risk and you cannot take him to the USS Comfort. So the whole thing is useless. Better to do disembark the personal and have them help at the NYC hospitals


They have long waits in lines so they can spread COVID-19 more effectively and efficiently. If Trump loses Florida, he is toast. It is too bad Scott isn’t up this cycle, he would lose his Senate seat.


A lot of people with other health issues and injuries are going to die because of lack of available healthcare that won’t show in the COVID numbers but they are directly caused by the swamping of hospitals with COVID patients.


‘notable decline in retail’???

Like looking at a corpse and remarking he has a notable decline in life?




Or become permanantly ill with chronic conditions or die - because they lost their job and couldn’t afford to see a doctor.


I will be a statistic next week; the hospital has furloughed or reduced hours for 15% of the workforce b/c we are no longer booking elective procedures and thus non-clinical foax in many departments are not needed. I am one of the lucky ones - 30 hours per week starting Monday. :expressionless:



Commander Covidiot, Chaos & Confusion says job loss is ARTIFICIAL…


In the grand scheme of things (emphasis on “scheme”) we are all witnessing what happens when republicans are in charge. Just a quick time travel to 1981 when Reagan took office; within days of becoming POTUS he signed legislation deregulating the S&L industry. Within a couple of years, one of the biggest collapses of the financial industry began, culminating in a massive bailout of S&Ls at a cost of over 600 billion dollars. Republicans are wanton criminals who engineer these disasters (not the virus itself) and then engineer the bailout to benefit corporations. It’s a totally predictable cycle. Bad things happen when the GOP is in charge.


When Republican administrations fail, they fail bigly.


Token asian-american in the republican administrations…


The paycheck protection program launches today.

Remember the snags when Obamacare rolled out? And how the Repubs used those snags as a means of justifying their criticism of the program. Then Obama and Congress brought in the big technical guns from Silicon Valley and the program was brought quickly under control.

It might be more difficult this time around. There’s going to be a whole lot of coding going on to make the paycheck and other payment programs function as promised. First, Trump and his “assistants” won’t know whom to contact, nor what to tell them. And, those who can help are otherwise engaged and can’t really travel to DC, in person, nor online very well, to help pull Trump’s and Munchkin’s chestnuts out of the fire (so to speak).


I hear people are saying that…


And Moscow Mitch’s wife…

I think that might have had something to do with it…


Well now job creators, who would ever have thought that Macy’s depended on customers? Who could have known that airlines don’t buy planes from Boeing that they can’t pack full of passengers? Pretty much the same goes for Exxon-Mobile, Goldman Sachs, and vulture trading trolls on Wall Street. The (formerly) United States of America is a consumer driven economy. The farmers, miners, laborers, and production workers produce wealth. The Simpleton in Chief has allowed, no, practically invited the pandemic that has shut down production and consumption. Along with the Wyle E. Coyote, Jenius economic crater that was predicted months ago, we will also suffer a much higher share of the illness and death that the rest of the developed world. Part of that is because the wealth that was needed to lower the infection curve was reflexively given to those job creators who promptly disappeared it into their various dragon hoards. We are living through a double plague of disease and idiocy.

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