One Awful Part Of Supreme Court Immunity Decision Proves Bridge Too Far For Barrett

Multiple justices in the past who were thought to be far right moderated during their time on the SC. It’s still possible it could happen, no matter what Republicans hope…once you’re free of having to kowtow to a group to get ahead your opinions can change. Plus, on one side she’s got Alito and Thomas, both jerks and both doing bad deeds, on the other it’s the three liberal women who can speak her language…there’s a good chance they are getting through to her while her background makes it more difficult to put up with the asshole and the greedy one.

But this is going back to Chutkan, who is very likely going to be willing to find things are unofficial acts when they are done in the furtherance of Trump attempting to force his way into office. She is going to make the SC state outright that a president attempting to overthrow the government and stay in office after losing an election is actually a presidential duty. She’ll throw it right back in their faces, and Smith will give her the case to do it with. These people understand the law, at least what it’s supposed to be, and have shown they will fight for it and against the attempts to undermine it in the furtherance of efforts to overthrow our democracy. The decision is awful, but it’s not over yet.

The Roberts Court has likely just cemented its reputation as the most corrupt court in American history, definitely the one doing the most damage to American democracy. We won’t know how this all turns out for a while, but they are setting a course that will cause massive changes to our nation, and there’s still a chance they are setting things up to install Trump as president for life, followed by other Republicans. The only way around this is to vote for every Democrat in every race, regardless of how you feel about them…there’s no other way to keep them from pursuing their plans than to make sure they don’t get their hands on the power levers.


There’s no long-game when we’re looking at a post-Constitutional order beginning as early as November 6. (If the first tally shows a Trump win, I guarantee MAGAs will start jumping the gun, primarily to halt any further counting or recounting.)


Methinks that tRump’s thuggish goony lawyers have had a lot of ex parte’ communications with a few of these rightwing robed dilettantes leading up to this totally nutso monarchist decision today.

If partisan corruption is the key to this decision, which it is, it’s not out of the question that there were ways these justices bent the process in deciding this case away from those traditional moorings of legal propriety in order to arrive at this awful decision. I think they got their cues and advice on how to nuance the bullshit in this decision from the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, Harlan Crow and/or Leonard Leo for that matter.

Also, tRump was instantly positive about the decision they handed down the instant it came out, almost before the draft of the decision had even been posted…as if they already knew what the decision was gonna be.



Nope, she’s applying for Chief justice some day.

She needs a record of semi same things said out loud


For some reason Roberts want to be better that Taney. Not the direction most people would have chosen.


So this means that the Nixon tapes could not have been used, right? Unfreakingbelievable.


I guess so. I’m still stunned by the ‘or his advisers’ part. ‘adviser’ sure is a big, vague term.


Well, if Biden plans this in the Oval Office, none of the planning can ever be admissible evidence.

The awful thing is that Biden, or any other president (excepting maybe Dickie Nixon) would never dream of doing such a thing. Today’s decision is tailored to protect one guy: Trump.


I volunteer to give Joe target practice so he can effectively shoot threats to the United States at 20 yards.
But I suppose the Supreme Court will somehow find that George Washington never fired a gun at an x-President so therefore: unconstitutional!


So, Joe can shoot Fat Donny on the golf course and get total immunity? Why am I laughing?


While he’s still alive.


Human decency and integrity?

So much of what we are facing now is traceable to the assumption of the Framers of the Constitution that we would never be so foolish as to elect a sociopathic criminal like TFG. The assumption of honor is no longer enough–TFG and the GOP have shown that we can no longer expect people to honor the oath of office.
The Court has to be betting that if re-elected, TFG would never release the leopards to eat SCOTUS faces. Everyone who has been paying attention realizes that he would do it in a heartbeat.


This has been a puzzle to me.


Some how they will rule that the Constitution does not protect semi automatic hand guns, since the historic use of hand guns by the founding fathers was a single shot weapon.


I think that if TSF and the cult prevail in November within a year or so the corrupted scotus will suddenly realize that “well regulated militia” is a part of the second amendment.

The well regulated militia will consist of fascist domestic security units as defined and administered by Dear Leader. I don’t see any way a fascist government actually allows private citizens to have the arsenals scotus currently permits.


“I am 6 months younger than Joe Biden and am so glad I went into music instead of politics because I can look old and have a bad night and people will still love me” Roger Daltrey (the Who) when I saw him at Ravinia this past Saturday.

One of the things about Joe Biden presidency is that he always had our backs, I mean the backs of everyday Americans. Economics, foreign policy, plague, everything.

Now we need to have his back.

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Do NOT try and make this woman seem palatable. She votes with these RW zealots to support criminality and destroy ‘precedent’. She is definitely on the ‘side’ of entitled authoritarians.

She also apparently produces microbiological cultures in

Peach Tree Dishes.

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Barrett is saying too little too late.

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