On Voting Rights Republicans Have Told Us Who They Are. We Should Believe Them

You don’t have to like what I predict. I really don’t care if you do or not. It’s coming to an America near you whether you like it or not OR you will be forever subjugated until your dying day to the will of the white Christian conservative minority. I said it was a choice. We’ll choose and have to live with the consequences.



And Republicans will be fine with that. Since they control over half the states, that gives them power. Biden can rail against the forces of fascism all he wants, but how does that flip the legislatures?

What are your plans to flip Texas? Or Florida? Or the Dakotas? What actionable steps are involved? I am genuinely curious. If you know how to quickly un-gerrymander Pennsylvania, then the PA Democratic Party needs to know. If you know how to get every last Democratic voter to the polls, please contact Stacey Abrams, because you two will be an unstoppable force.

Stirring words only matter in movies. At the end of the day, the American military will have to make a choice, and whichever side it chooses, wins.



Well, there’s this little bill the senate is dealing with now called For The People. It deals with voting rights, etc., but I won’t bother you with all the details and minutia. I hope it passes but I think it’s highly unlikely, and therein lies the tragedy. If the red states get away with some of these vote surpressing bills it won’t matter how hard we work to turn out the vote because no matter how many votes we have it will never be enough. This is where the rubber meets the road kiddo. It’s we nuke them before they nuke us and as things stand now I’m seeing the later. Okay?

If the military sides with the Christianists, then your “resistance” is pointless, except as an existential exercise, I suppose.

And here’s the nasty thing about resistance: payback is horrible beyond words. You know the story of Oradour-sur-Glane? Just about every single inhabitant was slaughtered by the SS as revenge for a Resistance action. Maybe you would have been thrilled to be locked in a church and burned to death, but what about all the women and children locked in there with you?

Who are you to decide which lives are expendable for Teh Cause?

I never said it was guaranteed to succeed in any way. Just that it’s the inevitable choice we will face.

Who said I was deciding anything?

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So, one way or another, about 100,000,000 Americans die a truly ghastly death and a huge chunk of the country is rendered uninhabitable for thousands of years?

Basically, you’re rewriting The Walking Dead and giving yourself the part of Rick?

I will never understand why men fantasize about dystopias: it must be such a keen disappointment to wake up every day and realize that the Republic still stands and you have to go to work instead of reenacting Stalingrad in the irradiated ruins of Detroit.

Well, sweetheart, if my end is to be a pile of dust no matter who wins the coming war, I guess I should kick my travel plans into high gear and enjoy life while I may.

Because life is fucking AWESOME.


Oradour-sur-Glane? Actions have consequences? You and your ragtag group of patriots try to blow up a tank and the people in the surrounding neighborhood die as a result?

Metaphors are hard, I guess.

Nope. Not hard, just inapplicable and misplaced in this situation. I have no ragtag group of patriots. All I’ve done is point out what I think is the inevitable choice we’ll face. Who, how many, where, when and how people make that choice one way or the other remains to be seen.

Oh, dear god, I’d forgotten about that stupid plaque. So, the claim is that the Civil War was fought in New Jersey? Or is this about a fictional battle from the War of Independence? If so, why the reference to “north” and “south” when the political divisions were “revolutionaries” and “loyalists”?

Oh wait. He couldn’t tell the difference between the two events, even back when his brain mostly functioned, could he?

This is at the “Trump National Golf Club, Washington, D.C.” in northern Virginia - by the Potomac River

but what is described on the plaque never happened - there were no battles or skirmishes on record anywhere near this site - it was entirely made up! it is absolutely horse crap!

  • just a pure steaming pile of Trump!
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The idea of democracy and Majority rule really is what goes against our history and what the country stands for.
– Rand Paul

Republicans believe the Founders were wrong.

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From the WIkipedia article about this dude:

“Federal judge Gregory Presnell accepted Greenberg’s plea agreement on June 3, 2021 and scheduled a sentencing hearing for August 19. Greenberg faces between 12 years and life imprisonment at the sentencing hearing, though the plea agreement allows for the possibility of a departure from minimum sentencing guidelines if Greenberg fully cooperates.”

I would guess he’s pretty motivated to “fully cooperate”, and I would guess this means he’s going to be judged on how he talks from now until August 19th. I think this suggests that we might possibly know a bit more about certain other cases involving certain other northern Florida politicians by that date? :thinking:

Boy are there a bunch of folks on this site that just wallow in this stuff. Can you imagine being at a party with these folks?

Seriously, get out, get some sunshine, maybe even buy yourself an ice cream cone. It’s bad, but it’s not the end of the world as we know it…



TBF: It seems reasonable to assume that some Democrats just figure their GOP colleagues are, you know, lying. /s

Sinema and Manchin have also told us who they are. Is not the For the People Act dead because S & M will not agree to remove the filibuster?

We need to fight for what we can win while preserving our democracy, including defeating voter suppression.

maybe i didn’t read it correctly, the one thing that stood out, for me, was allowing people to register on election day…IMO, this invites massive fraud, i show my ID every time i vote, is it so difficult to register to vote and get the card? how are adresses etc. supposed to be verified if people don’t register before the elction day? why should people be permitted to vote in a state they don’t reside in? maybe i am stupid, however, i would really like this to be clarified.

because Americans are generally sitting in the recliner, fat and happy, watching TV…if it isn’t happening to ‘them’, it isn’t happening.

Our nation’s democracy is being destroyed by Magats and Propaganda. We will find out in the 2022 election if people care about our freedom to vote and direct our nation’s future. Climate Change and the Delta Variant are coming NOW. NORMAL is an Illusion from the past. Change is coming.

It’s not the end of the world because the planet will continue without us. Climate Change will change the world as we know it. It’s time to wake up…turn off the news… help feed the poor… meet your neighbors … turn off your TV and wake up. And Crush the Republican Cult Party in 2022.

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