Most def not heartening. PP will be nominating Eugene Scalia to be Labor Secretary. A Federalist Society guy who belittled those with repetitive stress injuries and believes unions get in the way of productivity because they insist on giving workers too much rest.
Ya, I saw that and he has already accepted. No doubt he will be confirmed. Depressing but Ilhan Omar’s homecoming reminded me that good people are out there.
The Federalist Society with all its anti-working class beliefs is embedded in this administration. It saw a chance to invade a presidency and an administration that had no core beliefs other than hatred and a prezz who doesn’t know or care what his role is as head of state.
Real Americans in real heartland America welcoming home an American who represents them in Congress.
That’s America. Not Trump’s America. But, Trump’s America can go back to where it came from. And stay there. The rest of us will look forward to a better future.
It’s great she got a welcome, but I have to say I drive past the MN airport twice a day and wouldn’t have any idea of her schedule. Glad there were people in the know.
Why does The Federalist Society have so much influence? Trump was pretty open about outsourcing his SCOTUS pics the them. Listening to them is listening to someone off their meds: you agree with everything the person says and are stunned when the person shares that the Catholic Church planted a receiver in his tooth. Just cra-cra stuff.
One doesn’t have to agree with her and her fellow progressive firebrands’ views to understand how loathsome and dangerous Trump’s attacks on them are and condemn them without equivocation. I happen to agree with most of their views, but that’s entirely besides the point. And I absolutely will not call for Trump to be deported back to his native Fatherland.
That is brilliant. Next time Trump sends a rage tweet (probably next time he sits on the golden throne) she should say something to the effect of having trouble coming up with a campaign slogan and thanking him for providing her with one. If she is into twisting the knife, ask if Reps AOC, Pressley and Tlaib can use it too.
He can’t stand to be laughed at or to be one-upped especially by a female POC.
Amen. My son decided to stay after college and now works and lives there. I visit him often because I love the people, food, quick and easy transportation, and general vibe of the place.
Well because Trump is moron, a moron that never ever had to work with anyone. Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society is Trump’s recruiter. I wonder if he gets a commission every time one of his Federalist candidates gets hired in this maladministration?