I popped in here because I’ve been ruminating about this for the past 2 days. I suspect that like me, most TPM readers read a lot more quotes and transcripts of Trump than they actually listen to/watch recordings of him.
Earlier in the day I’d read the quotes and was assuming that, as per previous such word salad craziness, Trump was being bellicose and taunting. Then, almost by a fluke, I listened to a few minutes of him actually delivering the invasion portion of that rant. It radically changed my perspective. He was talking in a much lower tone and speaking more quietly. Instead of the belligerent taunting Trump I was expecting I saw a doddering elderly man who is clearly losing it.
People will bring up how the GOP propped up Reagan, but he was a trained actor who could read articulately off of a teleprompter basically throughout his entire second term. That’s not who Donald Trump is by training or character, and we can add his diet as a notable factor beyond genetics in terms of potentially accelerting the development of Alzheimer’s.
I’m not sure he’s going to make it through the first year without getting to the point where they can’t cover it up.