Hurt him, Mr President. Hurt him good. Make him pay. Make him stroke out.
“Record number of cases reported in Wisconsin”
cut to the chase. how many were justices?
I love that he didn’t mention him by name. Dotard may try to pretend that he’s talking about blue state governors.
you mean after they just let it “blow through the country?”
Please,please, please, I’m begging everyone here. Don’t post PP’s rage tweets. We’ve seen so many we could write them ourselves. It’s enough to know that Fat Nixon is sitting somewhere with his thumbs primed to enter words, misspellings and all, to say stupid lying stuff about BHO.
Trump will probably be rage-tweeting during Obama’s speech this evening.
We are in this situation today because a lot of Obama supporters couldn’t be bothered to vote for Hillary. Obama himself has remained on the sidelines for the first three years of Trump’s presidency, during which Obama was repeatedly lied about. Yet he could not be bothered to hit back.
Trump must have lost it again after this. Was it a three diaper or four?
Obama’s assessment is correct, and most people know it.
It’s funny how much Obama’s comments bother Trump. The blow back on this should be EPIC.
That’s a shame…
Perhaps he’ll just sulk in the anteroom connected to the oval office and consume large quantities of ice cream, overdone steaks, cheeseburgers and fries and fall into a cholesterol overload induced stupor.
Then again, perhaps he’ll go into full on hate-tweet mode.
Oh, please. If you don’t get why Obama couldn’t just “hit back,” I got nothing to say to you.
Just one tiny thin tweet? Eets wahfer theen.
This is my ‘surprised’ face:
Counting down to…
“Nobody has been treated as terribly as I have as President.”
“How dare the N–Clank say anything. Why didn’t he take care of Covid-19 when he was President, instead of leaving it to me to clean up.”
I don’t think the right will be able to contain their white nationalist beliefs once Obama starts to go broadsides against the Trump admin.
I wonder how the Times will manage to bothsides that revelation.
A giant fricken breathe of fresh air. Why oh why couldn’t he take over for the next 6 months?
I remember watching BHO’s Keynote speech at the 2004 convention. I literally got goosebumps, and said “MY GOD, I am seeing the next President Of The United States Of America!” I had so much hope then…
And the thing about these single day increases is that the R naught is anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5. So lets say each of these people will infect a minimum of 2 more people. Good luck Wisconsin.