For those of you who don’t know the “King of the Hill” character Dale Gribble, he’s a martial artist, gun nut, and comprehensive conspiracy theorist who’s a complacent anti-government kook except when he has the faintest brush with the law, which turns him into the most panicky coward you ever saw, babbling accusations against all his best friends in a desperate attempt to save himself from this barely-there non-threat. And Devin is that in real life, which is really pretty pathetic. He’s literally cartoonish.
Really…criminal activity…he might have tried saying he was under audit and couldn’t answer these questions. That’s worked well as a delaying tactic by his boss in the WH. What a fool.
Finding of fact would unambiguously put Nunes behind bars, so he will not willingly allow that to happen. Like Trump, all noise. He’s like the guy that cried wolf. How many times has he claimed he would sue someone. CNN and Daily Beast would gladly accept the challenge as they would get to depose Nunes under oath. Wow - what a strange man.
Wait a minute…he phoned in for this interview, after a pretty historic week? Didn’t he want to get out of his jammies? Or did he not want us to see his face while he was flat-out lying?
Proposal for a title for the newspaper/book/film account of this man’s inevitable political and legal travails:
The Cow Moo’d at Midnight.
repubs love the law when they want to weaponize it against the free press, but dismiss it as irrelevant or fake when they get subpoenaed
No crime! No crime! You’re the crime!!
~Dirty Devin Trumpkin
He’s blustering, like a typical Pubbie. He needs to get a good defense lawyer, pronto, not file a frivolous lawsuit, but like the rest of his ilk, they only only know how to play offense, It’s ultimately their undoing. He thinks he can intimidate CNN, except that they have a stable full of corporate lawyers who are good at defending against this sort of bullshit. He may even file, but nothing will come of it. And who’s paying for this litigious habit? The remaining Koch , someone else?
ETA, and keep. In mind, it was Parnas’ lawyer that was noising this abroad and CNN and daily beast simply reported that along with publicly available travel schedules and other information. So, why not sue Parnas’ lawyer? Because Nunes knows that it’s all true.
Funny, I was going to comment the other day that I had never seen a picture of Nunes smiling, and now that I have seen that rictus of pain and sadness in FOX’s chyron I think I understand why.
I believe Nunes is so dumb he thinks he is doing double and triple agent maneuvers - you know, like real spy stuff and everything. Double 00 Devin has the real truth and we just won’t listen. He is truly a legend in his own mind.
I hope he can afford better dentures than Ghouliani.
Wtf is this guy yammering about?
I want to start a class action lawsuit against Nunes for being a public nuisance (and all-around asshole.)
Odds of finding 1000 people to contribute $100 for this worthy cause should be good.
Nunez is a mini-Trump without the swagger. Trump doesn’t fool most of us, but Nunez doesn’t fool any of us. Trumps rhetoric is preposterous, but Devin’s is just pathetic.
There he goes again, trying to pull the leather over our eyes. Where’s the beef? I for one am unpersueded.
Apparently, in some worlds, having the truth exposed is a crime.
I’m pretty sure that is the case in Russia.
Bovine Nunes is losing his heifervescence.
He’s got a fresnoid growing in his clovis. That can be lasered off in the doctor’s office.
Here’s hoping he’ll be re-vealed during discovery.
OMG that is so right on. Dale Gribble, come on down.
Sounds like Nunes has been hanging around Trump too much. He’s picking up Trump’s bad habits, like automatically lying and dissembling.