Selfish, yes, but I don’t think we can accuse the G.O.P. of being shortsighted. They correctly determined that the way to lock in minority rule for at least a generation was to combine truly spectacular gerrymandering, aggressive voter suppression (making sure “those people” don’t vote), and packing the courts with Federalist Society hacks. They’ve burrowed in, and will be exceedingly difficult to dislodge.
I saw this headline and thought that the NRSC had come to its senses regarding SUSAN Collins.
This is what trial attorneys refer to as “assuming a fact not in evidence.”
I thought the same thing.
Loeffler has plenty of ignorance; she just needs to work on her white trash drawl. Collins has got it all and a tube of Brylcreem.
Democratic GA party: “Do be do be doooo…”
Every Republican could use that slogan.
It’s why they’re Republicans.
Apparently, no told him, “A little dab’ll do ya.”
At least with Loeffler the NRSC doesn’t have to worry about funding her campaign. With Collins they’d be throwing good money after bad and they know it. With newbie novice know-nothing, never-been-a-politician-let-alone-a US Sen. Loeffler, being self-funding is one less they have to shell out for. With Goopers, it’s all about the money because money, not a natural constituency buys the necessary votes needed in their party.
Me three, but the difference between the two Collinses couldn’t be more stark. Doug talks like an auctioneer on meth amphetamine. Susan, like an otherwise healthy 95 year old with a case of lockjaw.
This is most odd!
I’ll say. Hey Congressman, the word “slather” doesn’t appear in the directions anywhere.
He could wring out his hair and deep-fat-fry the neighborhood.
So this means Collins is out of the House one way or the other? Win there.
She has spasmodic dysphonia, which is part of the multiple sclerosis spectrum of illnesses.
Really? Ugh. Well, I shouldn’t pick on her then, no matter how despicable she is. I’m sorry I said that.
Its way more complicated than that.
The Georgia Legislature is hurrying a bill through right now to make it a normal partisan primary instead of a jungle primary for her seat. Looks like they have the votes to override Kemp’s threatened veto, too.
Not really, he’s relatively harmless when in the minority.
He’s just noisy and hypocritical, like almost all backwoods Baptist preachers.
Things are very, very wrong.
Some additional details - where are they, what are they making, how many are employed? Does, say, a garage business that sells gun ornaments count?
Thread. Now I go walking.
ETA. I just can’t find the words!