Now Mike Johnson Is Hedging On Whether The Election Will Be Certified

His election, however, I am sure he won’t question.


I’m sure Johnson never expected his feet would get held to the fire on his oath as he never expected to be made SOTH.

He probably felt he’d just be able to anonymously follow the caucus and never be seen.


“Trump has said repeatedly that he will only accept the results if the election is “fair.'”
That means “if I win the election.” It just does. It’s a head-scratcher to me anyone not a MAGA is left who won’t just say unequivocally, “that means if he wins.” It’s like if Trump says “We’ll be releasing our plan in a couple of weeks” it means “I don’t have a plan.” We just will not collectively call this son-of-a-bitch on his lame bullshit lies.

Fwiw, which is nothing, it’s unclear to me whether this applies to Johnson. It’s a given that he has to parrot Trump at this point. Does that mean that he will use his powers as Speaker to try to overthrow the government when the moment arrives? I doubt even he knows.


They will never consider an election they don’t win free or fair, ever again. It’s part of what we face, for some time to come. They must be beaten out of existence. Liz Cheney talking about a new party is a concept for a plan for that. If only it wasn’t coming from someone named Cheney.


It got a lot of attention in DC, where I live. Peoples’ lives depend on it, something that is forgotten outside of the Beltway. The repercussions of a shutdown are staggering.


Let’s hope. I am hopeful for the House.



Sometimes, one image reminds you of another.


Especially when you consider the context.


Anyone watching the Kamala and Stephanie interview?

Killing it!


Except that they know with the Supreme Court in their pocket, who knows what they can get away with? Goddamn Mitch McConnell and goddamn Ruth Ginsberg and goddamn Susan Sarandon and Jill Stein. Feeling exceptionally bitter this evening.


Haven’t the bomb throwers all looked the same since Trump got involved?


We are doing this voluntarily. The right is far out on a limb. “Too online” as someone described.


We don’t have cable so I am getting snippets from twitter.


The GOP is useless




As a propeller on a hamster.




She also spoke to the deaths of two women in Georgia who were unable to access abortion care.


There’s nothing remotely cryptic about Johnson’s response to the question about honoring the election results. There is no way that the results this year are going to be free, fair, and safe enough to pass muster with a person who believes that the 2020 election was stolen. He acted on that belief on J6 by rejecting several Biden EV certificates, and he has never since recanted that decision, or explained what it was about that election that was not free, fair, and safe enough to satisfy his standards. Given what MAGAts are up to in several states to make this election less free, less safe, and less fair, there is no way this election could ever meet his standards. He is telling us loud and clear that he intends to try to steal the 2024 election by pretending it wasn’t conducted fairly, just as he did four years ago.

By itself, without any context, the answer Johnson gave was quite safe, admirable even. Of course no one should accept, no one should fail to oppose, the results of an election that was not conducted in a free, fair, and safe manner in accordance with the constitution and the law. This is especially true this year, when Trump and Johnson are promising to try to steal the election. I certainly hope that the president will refuse to accept an unfair, unfree election result, and take every necessary measure to stop any attempted theft of the election, up to and including invoking the Insurrection Act.

Well, Biden isn’t being asked this question, because he has no history of attempting to steal an election. The reason the question was asked of Johnson is because neither his candidate for the presidency this year, nor Johnson himself, have a recent history of following the law and holding back from illegal means of winning the presidency.

When Johnson gives what would be a safe and sensible answer from people who have not tried to steal the last election, that he will honor fair results, the necessary follow-up question is what the hell standards does he have for fair elections? The standards he acted on in 2020 were massively screwed up. What are his standards for free and fair elections today?


BTW Stephanie Ruhl did not float soft ball questions to V.P. Harris. She corrected Kamala about high unemployment during 2020 due to the pandemic. Harris had a good comeback that even prior to the pandemic auto plants were closing, etc.


Which his nibs grossly mishandled to the point of gross negligence.