She was just arrested this morning, supposedly.
Somebody tell me why I should give a shit about this.
She’s killin’ me. Literally.
1./ Threaten
2./ Litigate
3./ Threaten
4./ Epstein
Trump does not have the ability to understand everyone does not fear him.
It is worth noting that this Swamp White House has completely merged the official administration with the reelection campaign.
Donald’s last two chiefs of staff, Meadows and Mulvaney, openly advised and coordinated with the campaign, with Meadows himself in the last week trying to have Parscale removed. Meanwhile, Jared Kushner wears multiple hats as well, acting as Donald’s personal advisor AND apparently running large portions of the campaign as a senior manager. Whenever Kellyanne Conway goes on TV, it’s even odds as to whether it’s in an official WH spokesperson capacity, as a campaign surrogate, or both. And it goes on and on.
Normally, administrations seeking reelection keep the two operations intentionally separate, so as not to run afoul of corruption, campaign finance, and Hatch Act rules. Administration officials looking to work in the campaign usually resign their official positions to go do that instead.
But here we have basically the entire WH and many of the executive agencies working as direct arms of the Trump reelection campaign.
And this is a serious problem.
not if the DOJ won’t do anything about it. then it’s not a problem at all.
Can’t have an accident until she’s in at least overnight. Not a “convincing” one.
There’s no shortage of attorneys who will file anything, no matter how inappropriate, because there’s no downside to making outrageous, inapplicable claims. They bill by the hour, so there you have it.
Attorneys get away with shenanigans with no problem. Judges knock their arguments down, and no one is the wiser. Their records never really see the light of day, and their “resumes” on their websites are just statements about the length of their careers, the types of cases they handle (even if they have no experience with them), and the like. Someone could make money using public records to create summaries of attorneys’ cases, arguments, and results.
Jesus. If ever parties and lawyers ought to be sanctioned for frivolous litigation.
The worst thing about being a Trump lawyer would be the requirement to sign pleadings and tell whole world “yes, I will voluntarily shit myself In public while wearing clown shoes and a clown nose for money.”
Trump’s DoJ obviously won’t, but Biden’s could and should.
Apart from Trump, we have got to be the most litigious nation on the planet in terms of lawsuits filed per capita per year.
On Wednesday, Newman’s lawyers said in a filing that the campaign “recently added nearly four hundred additional counts to the arbitration action and is keeping tabs on everything she says and does.”
Isn’t 400 additional counts to arbitration excessive?
Is Bolton also going to get his 400 additional counts from DOJ?
Clearly, Bolton’s tell all book has more legal repercussions for a Trump…
So is Trump doing this as an example of his “dominating” the Blacks?
Or is he lashing out to Omarosa because of the BLM in front of TT and near the WH?
Whatever are his motives…Trump is clearly a cruel revanchist to those that he thinks he can bully but he is a subservient POS that does Putin’s bidding at the cost of US soldier’s lives!
Less that 4 weeks till Mary Trump Time.
Tut tut tut…Pity that Omarosa has been derelict in her Trumpian Duties…
In the meantime, we have 300,000 COVID deaths coming this fall and Bounty-Gate happening right now.
B/t/w, I saw something regarding the JAX GOP Con-Vention…it is still on, yes?
Trump is the Manuel Noriega of Sylvio Berlusconis
I’m not sure England doesn’t come in first.
Maybe. I think it’s an anglophone thing. I’m wondering about the ANZACS.