The Trump campaign has recently filed hundreds of arbitration counts against Omarosa Manigault-Newman over a confidentiality agreement she signed, the former White House employee and “Apprentice” star said Wednesday.
It’s normal for Trump, though. He’s operated like this for decades and it doesn’t penetrate his incredibly thick skull that things changed after he got a government job.
Clearly this is just an attempt to drain Omarosa’s resources.
I had forgotten about Omarosa. Nice for Trump to bring her back into the limelight so that her accusations can be brought into the public light again. Did her tell-all book include anything juicy besides the details of her exit meeting with John Kelly?
We haven’t heard much from her since she resigned/was fired. I wonder what she has been doing all these months and why Trump’s lawyers are bringing her up again. Don’t they already have enough to keep them busy?
But he messes up their win-lose ratio, so it’s not everything they ever dreamed. It’s like having a job digging holes and filling them up again. Futility does not make for a happy work day in my experience.
But why is he piling on just now? (I know, why ask why when it comes to someone who’s obviously insane?). Is this part of some burn-it-all-down death wish? Most of us had more or less forgotten about her. It’s nuts to bring this all into the news now. What the heck is so much worse that he’s throwing so many trashy stories our way so we don’t see what’s behind the curtain? I mean much worse than the things that already are in the news, like his plunging poll numbers, his criminal mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis, etc. Is this really supposed to take our minds off his handling of the Russian bounty intelligence?
My guess is books. He doesn’t want all these books to be coming out any more. He darts his eyes around at all the people who used to work for him and wonders who’s out next with a book saying what a big crazy lawless dope he is.
Essentially, yes… But beyond books it’s got nothing to do with Amarosa. It’s about stopping the next person from doing the same thing. And that’s why there needs to be sanctions against Trumps lawyers that are taking actions that they know damn well are incontrovertibly unconstitutional.