Not The Fight We Wanted Or Signed Up For But It's The One We Got

Does voiding a treaty require the same 2/3 vote that accepting one does?


“It is wise to resist the beginnings of evil.”


How shall we describe our new, improved government?
A Christo-fascist kakistocracy?


Jack Smith was appointed at the earliest possible opportunity available under the regulations for appointment of a special prosecutor, and he inherited a pair of investigations that were already, respectively, approximately 95% and 90% complete.

Everyone knows trump is a fucking criminal. He got elected because he’s a bad boy.

[mod edit]


This was a great morning memo.

The issue with terrible leaders is that they have the ability to make “us” worse, the big societal “us”. Clearly that has happened.

Working against a transgressive cultural norm will not be easy of course. But there will be opportunities. Let’s work on resillence and finding those opportunties.


Welcome to the Resistance, everyone. I thought Americans were better than this.


Once again, I find myself agreeing with you. Shit is right. But that isn’t all… I wrote this to a friend this morning:

I shudder for the soul of America. I mourn the loss of the people we were, and the promise of what we could have been.

I tremble for Ukraine, for all of Europe. And Taiwan. The world gasps in fear and dismay.

I move forward with the greatest trepidation for myself and those I love. But forward is not really the direction we are moving. It is more like trying to hold ground while the forces around me exert their might to drag me back.

I still will not go there. I will fight going backwards with everything I have.

Will I have enough?


A time to mourn


Thank you. We all need to hear this call. Admittedly, some may require a period of mourning or heavy drug consumption first.


I seriously doubt Trump will be there for 4 years. The money behind him will eventually start getting screwed and will decide that JD would be better. The question is how much do they like JD. IF a lot, Trump gets 2 years + a day, if not so much who knows. Trump would be so easy to 25th I don’t see it NOT happening.


I asked this in a previous thread. He has a sentencing hearing coming in three weeks. Can Judge Merchan throw him in the can?

Federalism can bite the Federalists in the ass.


My daughter texted me at 1 am that she loved me. And I loved her right back.

Shit will be made semi-permanently terrible because of this, but love will stay true. And love will win over hate in the long term.


Come back to us tomorrow.


Democracy scorned
Institutions rejected
Fascism nascent


I can’t say that I agree with Mr Kurtz this morning, something unusual in itself. But so much of this was written on the walls of America years ago that it’s hard to be surprised at the results. Shocked yes but surprised no. I had decided over a year ago that the fact of there being right at half the population seeing nothing wrong in supporting Donald Trump that it was time to leave, and on this day one year ago I woke up in Belize for the very first time. That was just a 2 week jaunt to see if it was as I had heard and researched on, it was and before heading back to Texas I rented an apartment to come back to so I could find a permanent home here. Now I live in Punta Gorda, am a full time resident and own land here. Last night’s results will have little to no affect here, we are a tiny country that no one pays attention to. And my advice for those dismayed by the decay and rot within the American system is to get out now, there is nothing but darkness ahead there for generations to come.Let the jackals have the remainders and find happiness and security elsewhere, if not for yourself then for those who come after you, don’t let your efforts be co-opted by the forces of evil, there is happiness elsewhere


We still have the 60’s and 70’s music, even if mainly on elevators.


So, Bobby Kennedy at HHS, Aileen Cannon and Alina Habba at DOJ, Flynn at Defense. That’s a lot scarier than a doddering old man as president.


Indeed. January 20th will merely start the countdown clock on the invocation of the 25th Amendment.

Say hello to President Vance, kids.


Nonsense. The ecosystem we know and love is changing. For the worse, for existing species, including our own. The “planet” itself is in no danger. Learn some astronomy.


He doesn’t have to officially pull out of NATO. He can just stop participating in any NATO activities. For example, he could withdraw the current SACEUR and replace him with someone unacceptable to the remaining members of NATO. That would trigger a reaction from the Europeans as to whether or not they can continue being in an alliance with the US.