Not The Fight We Wanted Or Signed Up For But It's The One We Got

What I wrote on another thread when someone blamed yesterday’s results on Biden being forced to step aside –


Well said. And it feels very strange to be living in a place (a very blue county in a blue state–Colorado–in a sea of red) that rejected him. And very sad that places that mean a lot to me (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) succumb to hatred. Pennsylvania is where my grandparents settled as refugees from the Nazi horror and where I spent my early childhood and Wisconsin is a beautiful state where we spent more than two years supporting our dying younger daughter. It has both lovely areas with kind politics and places with hearts of ugliness and stone. They both leave me heartbroken as does every place that chose filth over hope and kindness.


Protecting those under threat will be amongst the most noble work of the coming years.

I know you then go on to say:

All of this work will be made infinitely more difficult if Trump is sworn in with Republicans controlling both chambers on Capitol Hill.

So if we know that the GOP has the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the government, who’s going to be the guardrail against the gutting of the US government as we know it? Who’s going to offer that protection?

I don’t see it. Not sure anyone else does either.

And it’s not just domestically. Ukraine is on the chopping block. Who’s going to stop that? There’re a raft of items that are now no longer safe. Who’s going to save them?


Oddly, I got up this morning and started that exercise routine I’ve long put off.

This election result is disastrous, but I do already hear the call to action.


I’m temporarily in Kentucky taking care of my disabled brother. (I was born here but I’ve lived in Seattle for 30 years.) Everyone here that I met was voting for Trump. They are surely delighted this morning. They are actually very nice people. They have been exceptionally kind to my brother. Except they appear to believe that Seattle is a hell hole and the people who live there aren’t capable of governing ourselves.

Their expectation going into the election was that Trump was going to close the border and use whatever means necessary to round up illegal immigrants. I expect that will happen. That’s what he ran on. That’s what his supporters expect. The first clash will be when blue states or blue cities try to resist the round ups. When that happens I expect we will see a repeat of what happened in Portland where Trump imported Federal law enforcement from other states to impose “order” on the city.

I guess I should get used to people with Southern accents. They will surely soon be patrolling the streets of Seattle saving us from ourselves if we refuse to submit. Lots of hard choices coming next summer for everyone.


And probably Taiwan, and maybe even South Korea.

The Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times” has never been more apropos.


Moldova, Poland, and the Baltics also.

The Europeans have hard choices coming: will they keep NATO together when Trump pulls out, and how will they defend themselves with Russia on their doorstep and the US no longer an ally.


I am in mourning for my species.


But Jill Stein said she was sending a message.


She sent the message when she dined with Putin.


Trump cannot pull out of NATO without congressional approval. He will just refuse any aid in Article 5 matters.


I agree that Trump winning outright is better than winning the EC while losing the popular vote. This allows us to face what has been done without the fig leaf of blaming a defective electoral process.

America has voted for a convicted felon to be president. We must face this truth and understand the consequences. We have voted to become Russia or Hungary, to be ruled by a criminal enterprise. It is who we are, no excuses.

We have voted to punch ourselves in the face for the next four years by putting Trump in office again by a clear majority.

Now no one can say they weren’t warned. We voted for this, and we’re going to get it, good and hard.


Beware of scapegoating (not that I think it was your intention). Beware of isolated facts or suppositions that can lead us there.


No. The scope of this tragedy cannot be overstated. Many of us are spent. From fighting on more forgiving terrain than where we now are. This was a war not a battle. And we lost. Epitaph for the planet.



This country was founded on slave labor and indigenous genocide - and it’s been downhill from there.


Why would a Republican’t Congress not give it to him? :thinking::face_vomiting:

ETA: I totally agree that he’ll simply ignore/deny Article 5 action.


There is no time, the planet is dying. We will all perish. Including the filthy rich. I have some very poor friends in Africa that I try to help. I weep for them.


“There is a hope
That’s been expressed in you
The hope of seven generations maybe more…”

Song by Susan Werner. Performed by Red Molly.

May I suggest
May I suggest to you
May I suggest this is the best part of your life
May I suggest
This time is blessed for you
This time is blessed and shining almost blinding bright
Just turn your head
And you’ll begin to see
The thousand reasons that were just beyond your sight
The reasons why
Why I suggest to you
Why I suggest this is the best part of your life

There is a world
That’s been addressed to you
Addressed to you, intended only for your eyes
It’s a secret world
Like a treasure chest to you
Of private scenes and brilliant dreams that mesmerize
A tender lover’s smile
A tiny baby’s hands
The million stars that fill the turning sky at night
And I suggest
Yes I suggest to you
Yes I suggest this is the best part of your life

There is a hope
That’s been expressed in you
It’s the hope of seven generations, maybe more
And this is the faith
That they invest in you
It’s that you’ll do one better than was done before
And inside you know
Inside you understand
Inside you know what’s yours to finally set right
And I suggest
Yes I suggest to you
Yes I suggest this is the best part of your life

This is a song
Comes from the west to you
Comes from the west, comes from the slowly setting sun
This is a song
With a request of you
To see how very short the endless days will run
And when they’re gone
And when the dark descends
Oh we’d give anything for one more hour of light
And I suggest this is the best part of your life


I am trying to find the calm, peace , and respect for others that I must have when I step outside and ingage society, friends, neighbors, strangers, republicans, independents and those who didnt care enough to even vote.


Another silver lining: if Trump keeps his promise, we’ll never have to vote again.