‘Not Going To Lose This War’: Biden Vows To Defeat Coronavirus Pandemic

This! @powwow. You went straight to the heart of what matters — so refreshing — we need more of it. Thank you.

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Don`t play but I know what you mean. Those same camera operators would probably focus on the fret hand of a fingerpicker.

Yeah … I can already detect where he´s going to step on my last nerve now and then, and the religious stuff is a prime example. But it´s a light step relative to the constant stomp or the last four years.

Maybe a little less of the noun, a verb and his experience with suffering would be good too. And I hope he doesn`t bend over backwards to bring repugnants on board so far that he falls on his ass.

Obama bugged me too sometimes but I still loved the guy.

We have taken large unnecessary loses in a big battle of the Covid “war” but that´s all the more reason not to give up the fight. Not crazy about how Americans seem to Iike the patriotic war analogies but hey if it works to prevent death instead of cause it that`s fine by me.

But these minor annoyances are to be expected and so far I think Joe is killin it.

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Have a happy Zoom/Facetime/Video Thanksgiving, folks.

No one wants to spend Christmas in the ER or ICU.


I have to wince when I hear about how Connecticut and NY are working to shut down again because their positivity rate is exceeding 3%.

While in Wisconsin, we’re at something like 32% and not a damned thing is being talked about or being done.


Absolutely true. The Wisconsin GOP (House, Senate and Judiciary) has hamstrung the current Democratic administration to the point that we must all isolate and pray for a vaccine.

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There are plenty of youtube videos where guitarists demonstrate how to use cameras to teach guitar fretting and picking. Even if using a single camera, a cameraman can just back up a bit and record both. If they need close up details, then two cameras are needed with both videos synchronized and recorded into the same stream.

I just looked at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/data.htm#summary .
Specifically at the summary statistics.
If you look at it right now, you see:
9798 tested previous day.
1300 positive
8498 negative
Granted, this is not using a moving averaging kernel, but for that one day alone, that would make the percentage 13.26%. Not a happy percentage, but better than 30+. Further down the page they show the moving average and it’s currently 27.8% using a 7-day average. This means that there are days when the average is well above 27.8.

Excuse me while I leave to puke.

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All the while. the GOP candidates are running with the governor’s failure to do anything about it, while ignoring the number of lawsuits they’ve filed to prevent him from taking action.

And the morons in Wisconsin that voted thought this was perfectly fine - I don’t think the WI Dems overturned one legislative seat because of the gerrymandering. This State may never get better, quite honestly.

If the remaining Koch brother, who recently cried in his beer about how bad things have gotten, wanted to truly recant and change his ways, he’d sit down with GOP leadership in Wisconsin and tell them enough is enough. If they want his money, they’ll get behind good public health mandates and fix this problem. Koch Brothers is centered here in WI. They’re getting creamed too with all the infections and shutdowns. This is costing them, along with all the other businesses in WI.

If Koch was really interested in changing his ways, he’d get on this yesterday, but alas it was all crocodile tears and he’s influenced no one to do anything.

Don’t get me started on this - you know how I get…