North Carolina GOP's New Power Grab Is A ‘Recipe For Disaster’ For Elections, Too

Trump would then just kick out the French ambassador to the U.S. Better he should get the gig, and then have to wonder every time he eats a meal in a fancy Paris restaurant if the staff is spitting in his soup.


I’d bet your method probably works all the time : - )

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I’m dealing with what is basically a broken back. The two vertibrae above my pelvis are both damaged and they do not sit square on each other. I have a curved spine caused by polio I had as a 5 yr old. So it has had me laid up for almost 6 weeks. And because of this I’ve not been able to drive my old Tacoma pick up and contribute my fair share of planet warming pollutants.


Trump wins! Orcas once again wearing dead salmon hats!



The article has no images as proof that Orcas have fish on theur heads. I suppose the orcas do it to mess with human observers


Not unlike some medical student’s behavior with faculty?

Article at has a photo of an orca with a salmon perched on top of its head.


Why do you assume that North Carolina Democratic legislators aren’t at this very moment cajoling Republican legislators to vote not to override the governor’s veto? (Three Repubs from western NC already voted against the bill Cooper vetoed.) And doing everything else they can think of to prevent the override, and exploring legal challenges should the override succeed? And why assume that the Dem Party officials there aren’t busy doing what they can? And why assume that activists will politely object and put a flower in the rifle barrel pointed at their head? That’s not how NC Dem activists have responded in the recent past. The Moral Mondays movement, for instance, started in NC, and Rev. Barber is already organizing bigly. This from a Raleigh TV station:

"That’s exactly what the Moral Monday movement did [in 2013], bringing hundreds or thousands of people into the legislative building, where they sang, chanted, prayed and held sit-ins nearly every week during session for more than a year.

"Over time, nearly 1,000 protesters were arrested for trespassing when they refused to disperse at the command of the General Assembly police.

"‘Right now, it’s time again for the reconstitution and coming together of Moral Monday,’ Barber said Monday.

“Flanked by a crowd of supporters from a list of left-leaning groups, Barber accused lawmakers of doing little to help storm victims in western North Carolina, focusing instead on stripping power from newly-elected Democratic state officials and taking control over the election process.”

"Meantime, Barber called on supporters to fill the public areas of the building on the coming two Mondays, when the override votes are expected to happen.

“‘Every North Carolinian that believes in justice and believes in democracy,’ he said, ‘it’s time to show up nonviolently and show out.’”

Just google for other news reporting out of North Carolina.


Morans can’t even spell a simple two-syllable word.


Rev. Barber, Moral Mondays, Good Trouble.


I poked the link and learned orcas hunt whale sharks as a pod. But nothing about salmon as a fashion statement.
Here’s what orca image there was…

I cannot make much out in this image

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My first thought was that the orcas are just playing. Scientists don’t hesitate to describe dolphins as playful. Like dolphins, orcas are extremely intelligent and learn from one another. In fact, in an article linked to within this article, some of the same scientists described other behavior of orcas as “playful”:

"Orcas’ impressive cognitive abilities also extend to playtime.

"Giles and her colleagues study an endangered population of salmon-eating orcas off the North Pacific coast. Called the Southern Resident population, these killer whales don’t eat mammals. But over the past 60 years, they have developed a unique game in which they seek out young porpoises, with the umbilical cords sometimes still attached, and play with them to death.

"There are 78 recorded incidents of these orcas tossing porpoises to one another like a ball but not a single documented case of them eating the small mammals, Giles said. ‘In some cases, you’ll see teeth marks where the [killer] whale was clearly gently holding the animal, but the animal was trying to swim away, so it’s scraping the skin.’

“The researchers think these games could be a lesson for young orcas on how to hunt salmon, which are roughly the same size as baby porpoises. ‘Sometimes they’ll let the porpoise swim off, pause, and then go after it,’ Giles said.”

Well, maybe their play has an educational purpose. Or maybe not. Maybe they just find it amusing to swim around sometimes with small salmon hats. I think it’s pretty funny.

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Clearly the Orca in the photo is a wide receiver trying to catch a pass.


They bump it on its side so it floats upside down, whale shark tharn, and they eat his liver. Apparently, a whale sharks defense system is diving 2000 m really fast and they can’t do it when they’re upside down


I read some article, don’t recall if it was the attached, that they’ve witnessed them stashing seal meat under their pectoral fins. And that a salmon would be too small.

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Well, there you go. They never listened when Mom said “Don’t play with your food!”, and what happens but they all grow up to be killers.


So better to stay in line and march off to the fucking firing squad when they tell us? In the name of fucking decorum? Jesus H fucking Christ on a cracker, are you fucking insane?

The outgoing governor should declare a state of emergency and put the capital on lockdown until the end of their term.

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Great, we’ve identified the problem Now what in motherfucking hell are we going to do about it? This is the “second amendment solution” the fucks on the right have been screaming about for a decade. Wake the fuck up already!!!