Lindell can go cry in his pillow.
It’s not immediately clear why Lindell was at the events. However, Politico noted that the CEO had vowed earlier that day to confront Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R), who currently chairs the RGA, and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) with his debunked conspiracy theories of election fraud in the 2020 election.
For some reason, the RGA saw no upside to having someone use their meeting as an opportunity to grab publicity and abuse two of their members. The RGA, for some reason, doesn’t want to encourage Lindell and his ilk to show up in their states, and no one wants that.
So? He’s being cancelled by the Librulz? Cancel Culture is OUT OF CONTROL!!!
Lindell is a co-conspirator to the insurrection. No wonder elected officials don’t want him around! Some of his defense of the 1/6 insurrection is explored in this article:
Apparently he planned on making an asshole out of himself…which for him comes natuatrally. .so he was booted.
Empty Greene is too busy for MP Guy in her new capacity as de facto leader of the Republican House caucus.
Or to use the RGA as a platform for his Qcumber nuttery and get themselves sued for $1.4 bn.
Well, I think there’s more immediate clarity there than they’re comfortable claiming. I’d say that any association like this that got news a famous crazy person was planning to accost the chair of the board at its convention and harangue him about his crazy notions would take steps to exclude that person. I’m sure the governors have a lot of security at this do and I’d bet Mike would do best to not even try. Go peddle your papers somewhere else, Bugsy.
Village (idiot) Greene
A lot of those governors aren’t nearly as nuts as their Congressional counterparts. Some of them even come from blue and purple states. All but those from the reddest of states actually have to deal with reality. Being seen with Lindell isn’t going to help any of them that need help.
He’s like Gaetz. He likes to show up at events and make a scene.
I wonder if there was much discussion of this between the Trumpian True Believer Governors and the sane Baker-Hogan-Scott-Sununu wing.
Selective enforcement of the law — it’s what they do.
I think pillow guy is what corporate jargon calls “outward facing” - he’s not there to harass the employees and management, he’s only supposed to interact w/customers (their base). They’re trying to keep him in his lane, and keep his stank off of them. Ha! . Spoiler: too late, the crazies are running the asylum.
Whatever you do, don’t google images of the “Boston Pillow Party.”
“I’m sorry, we only allow guests who haven’t been recently sued.”
Interesting article - includes info on Ms Boebert and tidbits of her possible involvement in Jan. 6 events.
The extent of Boebert’s involvement and participation in the January 6 events remains unclear. Boebert does not appear to have publicly acknowledged that she attended the rally, but did tweet on January 6, “Today is 1776.” which is used as a QAnon reference.
Good. More shunning of the crazies is needed.
Excommunicating a senior pastor of the First United Church of King Twice Impeached is an act of heresy. Let it be tweeted, let it be done.