New York’s Food Pantries Face An ‘Unprecedented And Extreme Uptick In Need’ | Talking Points Memo

There is a grocery store here in Tucson that deserves a shout out. Food City. They’re on the west side of Tucson and their clientel is largely Hispanic. I love the place. I volunteer for an outfit called Lend-a-Hand. Our thing is to help poverty stricken seniors. My part is to take veggies and fruit to shut in folks and those who have no money or transport. There are ten teams (two people for each team) in our little operation. We take good quality fruits and veggies to a total of 135 seniors or about 14 per team. We do the deliveries every two weeks. Our funding is very limited and without the overwhelming generosity of the owners of Food City our work would be impossible. So yeah bless the grocers who step up in this time of need because the need is real.


It’s my feeling that the Pharaoh of the movie Ten Commandments (Yul Brynner) was far more reasonable and rational (sane really) than trump could ever manage to be (stifles 4 page rant).

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It’s time for me to dust off my Caligula comparison, even though that doesn’t tie into the Passover theme very well.

Hitler called it Lügenpresse – lying press.
Trump calls it fake news.

You remind me I haven’t had matzoh with butter in some time.
When I was about 12 our Jewish neighbor would give us a pkg of matzoh during Passover. She implied it was a tradition.


“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”. – Mark Twain.


Hubby and I have started having virtual happy hours and virtual dinners via FaceTime with friends. Last evening we had a happy hour with friends in London. It lasted 1.5 hrs, was an absolute blast and ended only because we all got hungry! On Monday we’re having virtual dinner with friends in the Detroit (Grosse Pointe) area (theirs is lunch…) and we have Easter dinner/lunch planned with friends in South Carolina.

I have regular virtual knit-and-chat with a friend, where we knit, catch up on gossip, talk politics, show our current ongoing projects, weather, bitch about our husbands (:joy:), the book she’s writing, and slam the current (mal)administration… Our last session was also a couple of hours along. It turns out to be surprising effective — after a while you simply forget that it’s virtual, especially because we’re doing our knitting while yakking. We’d done it prior to this outbreak but I must say, we are all getting into it more and more as a result of this, and I suspect this will be one thing that actually lasts even after the quarantines and curfews are lifted.


I read through that piece, waiting for the piece to say the obvious: that Trump should resign, and that if he doesn’t resign, he should be removed, because the cost in lives of his continuing to be President will be severe.

But they didn’t say that. Why the devil didn’t they?

Hope no firewall. NY gets 300,000 of the N95s.

They might be the saviors for now but if the crops aren’t planted and there is no harvest in the Fall food shortages and rationing could be in the future for us all.


My fire chief brother-in-law’s only “insider” advice has been to plant a large fall garden.

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Free pasta meals, y’all!

The good thing about most farmers is that they tend to have greater social isolation as a norm than people that live in cities, towns and villages. I am still concerned for their health. I’m very concerned about the health of migrant workers, who by and large often live together and work together, so they are generally more susceptible to infection than the guy that drives the tractor and feeds the livestock. If the migrant farm workers get sick, then we’re in a world of hurt with respect to vegetables and fruits that require many hands for harvest.

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All credit belongs to someone else (who replied to an earlier post when I’d said “Heckuva job, Trumpie.”)

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