Less a matter of faith and more a matter of complacency IMHO: Law is not intrinsically equitable or even just, tending to drift towards the special interests of the powerful unless met with sufficient popular force.
“Auctoritas non veritas facit legem.” – Thomas Hobbes, “Leviathan” II, 26
[Authority, not truth, makes law]
I’ve been wanting to say, again, that Trump is trying to treat the Criminal Justice System, such as it is, like he treats the Civil Justice System. And many, perhaps most, people seem to expect that to work for him. I want to make the bold prediction: That isn’t going to work out the way Mr. Trump might hope.
He was not wrong, and any cynicism anyone possesses with regard to our “justice system” is likely quite justified. But.
The United States of America is one of the only places on Earth where a citizen, or, in some cases even a non-citizen, can sue the Government, in the Government’s very own courts, and win. This is no small thing.
How would “only Congress gets to determine the 14/3 eligibility issue” work?
One answer to that question would be that Congress has already done that. The statue criminalizing “Insurrection or Rebellion” that Congress passed years ago makes someone convicted of that crime ineligible to hold public office. 18 USC 2383 can be seen as the enabling legislation for that provision of 14/3. Great! Charge Trump under that statute already.
Another answer would be that the joint session in 2025 would decide whether Trump’s purported insurrection was disqualifying. There are all sorts of reasons that’s not an attractive solution, since it involves waiting until after people have voted to decide the issue. Next stop, civil war.
Another answer would I guess be that Congress pass a law that purports to define who committed insurrection lately. Well, while Ds and non-insane people say that would be Trump and everyone who helped him on the road to J6, the Rs have as their sole defining credo that Trump Really Won.
Lord knows that all but a fringe of Rs equivocate mightily if you try to pin them down on logically necessary entailments of Trump Really Won, but one of those logically necessary consequences is that the D/RINO/Deep State conspiracy must have stolen the election on November 3, 2020. The “real insurrection” was on N3. The events of J6 were not an insurrection, but the completely justified attempt by patriots to fight that real insurrection of N3. No way will a single R in Congress dare vote that J6 was an insurrection and N3 wasn’t, so no law could possibly get a majority that defines only N3 or J6 as insurrections, while a law that defined both as insurrections probably wouldn’t get a single vote.
It won’t stop him but it can add to his insanity by making him react, which he is doing. We can keep him dangling , jumping from fire to fire while the courts do the rest.
Juries are very strange creatures, it’s true… but… for example. the DOJ’s current jury trial record in Washington DC has not been noticeably damaged by any true believers, so far. Surely there must be one or two Trump voters in the District. And, that doesn’t bode well for his upcoming trial there in DC, at least. And, given the stakes, no, I don’t think any rational individual would be feeling good about Mr. Trump’s odds, even in Georgia. (As for Trump himself? Who knows? He’s long since passed the “fishing in the swimming pool” state of mind, so… )