New CNN Poll Shows Biden With Largest Lead Since The Spring

A CNN poll released Wednesday shows former Vice President Joe Biden leading the pack by the widest margin he’s had since April.

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@discobot should know better than to read too much into any single poll. As is typically the case, we can take this poll as relatively strong evidence that Biden is not collapsing (much to Twitter’s chagrin), but relatively weak evidence he is surging in any meaningful way.

We can make that statement without regard to how we feel about Biden personally (I’m lukewarm, for what it’s worth, but not hostile).

Also, too: the modern primary process is so damn dumb. I’m not sure the classic smoke-filled room was substantially worse.


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The junior Senator from Vermont just released a statement that the poll is “rigged”.


So does this mean that O’Rourke and Klobuchar are now in the next debate? Or that they’re one poll closer to getting in? I hope they make it. They should both be there.


" New CNN Poll Shows Biden With Largest Lead Since The Spring"

These predictions are feeling like my weather today, 57 f humidty 77 %.Tomorrow it will change.

Did anyone catch this freak out ?

" Sean Hannity Breaks Out His Most Orwellian Defense Of Trump Yet

The Fox News host has a bonkers new claim about the president’s request for a “favor” from Ukraine."




Taking the poll at face value, I wonder how much of this movement is Democrats simply circling the wagons around Biden because of the attacks from Trump and Co.?


If Biden gets the nomination, I will support him.
If Warren gets the nomination, I will support her.
If Bernie gets the nomination, I will support him.
If Beto gets the nomination, I will support him.

If a slime mold gets the nomination, I will support it.


It is pretty clear that Biden is getting an impeachment bounce out of the Ukraine story. Let’s see if it holds for the next few months.


Remember that these national polls likely include lots of people who won’t vote until late in the primary season, long after most of the candidates have already dropped out. The only polls worth paying attention to for the next 3 months are ones from Iowa and New Hampshire.


That’s funny.

(See: every campaign pronouncement from 2016. They just inserted “CNN” for “DNC”.)


This is probably better news for Biden than the simple horse race aspect; it suggests that Trump’s gambit to damage Biden not only is going to get him impeached, but it also didn’t work in doing any sort of real damage. I will be interested to see what the head-to-head general election polling looks like.


Biden would make a fine President.

He would be an awful nominee.

That said, if Warrrn or Bernie were to be the nominee, the wrath of the rich and corporate America will be unleashed and/or someone like Bloomberg gets in and really mucks things up…Likely giving us another Trump(Pence) term.

I think if Joe is the nominee the leftward folks will be disappointed and less mobilized to GOTV. I think if Bernie is the Nominee the “Blame Bernie” set will do what they Balme BernieBros for and not turn out.

Warren fares better I think in bridging the 2016 divide, but as I mentioned above Corporate power will be unleashed to keep her from attaining the Presidency.

I surely wish Harris was gaining more traction. I think where she sits in the party, politically puts 2016 behind us.

As for Pete, I like him but i can’t look at 2008 and how we all agreed Palin didn’t have requisite experience to be VP and then say Pete is ready for President. Surely he is smarter, more capable at coherent thoughts and can likely name a single newspaper he reads, but South Bend is smaller than Manchester NH.


I need to go get a photo of this sign in a neighborhood nearby:

Any Functioning Adult 2020


I guess any publicity really is good publicity as long as the spell his name right.

How are polls conducted these days? Still just able to call landlines?


LOL! Best response yet!!


But, but, but the NY Times published a story about how Dem insiders are Worried about the current field. Let’s all jabber about that!

I with @eldonlazar . I will vote for any Dem nominee next year.


This story?

Hillary Clinton has told people privately that she would consider joining the 2020 Democratic primary, but only if she thought she could win.

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