NE GOP Snarks Lawmaker Who Said Party Enables White Supremacy’

The Nebraska GOP had some harsh words Monday for state Sen. John McCollister (R) who accused his party of ” enabling white supremacy.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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The Repubs will NOT tolerate dissent. Loyalty to the party and the party line is paramount!


The GOP should grapple with the issue … and stop the name calling directed toward those demanding that they deal with the issue on the table.


NE GOP wants to boot McCollister for advocating higher taxes, restrictions for 2A and pro-abortion lobby in a time of back to back mass shootings.

Greedy Old Party is a Pro-Life Hypocrite!


I agree. McCollister should change his party affiliation.


“You big meanie! You don’t like it? Then change your party to one that DOESN’T support racism, bigotry, and Nazis – see if WE care!”

PS: “And we bet they don’t even like it when people use the N-word! Can you believe it?”


The Nebraska GOP wouldn’t know the truth if they fell into and entire grain bin of it.

And I welcome them to try it. Please.


That letter . . . a complete refusal to engage with McCollister’s assertions, even via a milquetoast-y echoing of Trump’s address yesterday. How else to understand that except as an implicit bear-hugging of the very things McCollister is decrying?

Ad hominem attacks, thy name is GOP.


Yeah–you said much more efficiently what I was pecking away at at the same time.

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It’s actually a positive thing in the long run that the Republicans are finally out of the closet on their blatant racism.

Their long-time “hero” Reagan thought that Africans were “monkeys”, caught saying it on tape to Nixon and laughing. That’s been the model so long, that even his own daughter didn’t understand what he truly felt and thought.

Dog-whistle politics have been the norm for decades, it’s nice to just have things out in the open where nobody can hide behind a facade anymore.


State Senator John McCollister strikes me as something other than a hyper partisan Republican in a state chock full of hyper partisan Republicans.


Yes they didn’t come within a thousand miles of even mentioning the issues McCollister raised. For eyes that see…a bald admission that all his points are true. And the best they have is…see, he doesn’t really belong with us racists and traitors. He was never one of us. Well played, NE R fux


Republican National Convention 2020:


What you’re describing is true, but unfortunately, Republicans refuse to acknowledge that truth. I just watched a GOP state rep. from Texas on CNN blindly refusing to admit that T rump’s rhetoric encourages violence against immigrants and minorities. The GOP refuses to connect the dots because they are mentally incapable, or because they do not want to acknowledge their own roles and support of enabling mass murder.



SenMcCollister should tell the truth and change his party registration.

One out of two … so far.

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The Big Tent Republican Party, room enough for everybody who renounces independent thought and mindlessly regurgitates the party line.


Turns out that only polls well with a minority of the population.


Apostasy must be crushed. The movement must be kept pure. Conservative cannot fail… it can only be failed.

We have always been at war with East Asia.

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This is a very naked difference between what used to be an actual political party and a party that is now morally bankrupt but ideologically pure. You cannot tolerate dissent when you are talking religion and blind faith - they do not actually have policies to discuss anymore or places for people to have differing viewpoints. When you question the articles of faith, you are threatening the entire edifice and cannot be tolerated for long.


And DCCC blackballing consultants that work with candidates challenging incumbents is tolerant…