The DoJ subpoena requires him to testify in just two days. His suit in response was filed pro se. Does this mean he’ll show up to testify (involuntarily, if necessary) without counsel?
As has been said here, Navarro may spout bullshit, but he will do it with aplomb.
His argument (such as there is one, it’s more screed than suit) is that the J6 committee is illegitimate and USADC must have gotten the idea for its subpoena from the illegitimate committee so therefore the grand jury subpoena should be enjoined as “fruit of the poison tree.” It’s completely bonkers, exactly what you’d expect to see in a pro se lawsuit.
He is his own lawyer.
Witnesses don’t get to have attorneys defend them in a grand jury proceeding. Regardless, he’d still be better off hiring a lawyer who can tell him to STFU and invoke the Fifth.
“bUt sLeEpY mErRiCk gArLaNd!!!111!!!one!!!”
(Or something.)
That doesn’t make his lawyer any smarter…
Witnesses don’t get to have attorneys defend them in a grand jury investigation.
Which is not my implication. I believe witnesses are permitted to have the advice of present counsel.
I believe witnesses are permitted to have the advice of present counsel.
In the hallway, not the grand jury room.
In the hallway, not the grand jury room.
Ok, I guess I’m conflating this with questioning from an investigator (no grand jury).
Navarro was advising the president of the United States yet Navarro may not have enough sense to hire a criminal lawyer before he goes before a federal grand jury? That would be mind-numbingly stupid.
DOJ…Next time use the Bat signal…it may expedite the proceedings…16 months and counting…yes…we understand these are complex,interrelated efforts with other complications…hoping for a big win to expose the depths of the stupidity and corruption we have witnessed.
Navarro fancies himself to be a smart guy. He is not.
tOO slOw
Shit being the operative word…
My guess, TBH, is probably not that many, simply because so many of them still do not understand that what they did is against the law.
I think you’re mistaking their public posturing for what they actually believe. Most all of these people have talked to the 1/6 Committee. They most likely brought legal counsel with them, especially the ones who might have any legal exposure. Their lawyers would’ve certainly made them aware of which potential charges they could be facing. Yes, they like to talk a good game, but there’s a reason that only a handful or so have kicked up dust out of the 1,000+ interviews they’ve conducted. They know this is serious business and they’re taking it seriously behind closed doors even though they strut around and play Billy Bad Ass in front of the cameras.
From the NYT story on Navarro’s law suit
Mr. Navarro said the grand jury subpoena was directly related to the contempt of Congress referral. Asked if he planned to comply and appear on Thursday to testify, Mr. Navarro responded, “T.B.D.”
This is not a rational adult. One does not treat grand jury subpoenas to appear as optional.
O yeah - I meant that word.
Read this and let me know if you disagree…I think it is spot on
Mitch McConnell has set a trap for Democrats - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
So political observers who have watched how Republicans operate for the past decade or so are all asking the same question: How stupid are Democrats to think that these “negotiations” are the real deal?
Mitch McConnell is faking negotiations to build up hope and dash it — creating a “Democrats are impotent” narrative.
It’s not mysterious what McConnell, whose main political weapon is obstruction, is doing here. He’s setting up a bunch of fake negotiations to get Democrats all excited about the possibility of passing something. Those Democrats will then talk to reporters about how they’re making progress. Voters will get their hopes up that something will get done. When it inevitably doesn’t – because Republicans never intended to pass any bill of any kind — the blame will fall on Democrats for being weak and ineffectual leaders. Demoralized Democratic voters will sit at home for the midterms and Republicans will win big at the polls.