I’M STRuggling wiTH the word “AnswER”?
Or he’s still testing limits like a toddler…
And the thing is, Blago aside, as far as I can tell these people long ago went through whatever punishment came their way. There’s no practical value a pardon has for them. It’s not even an exoneration. There’s just no rational reason to be doing this.
Rod Blagoevich is in the pardon batters box.
Some of them may be legally prohibited from pursuing certain business ventures due to having a felony on their record. Maybe a pardon wipes away that obstacle?
And that is exactly what it is.
Owning the libs. Except I couldn’t care less who he pardons now.
The President, the reasoning went, is not a member of the intelligence community
Agreed. ‘AnswER’ is much moRe diffiCUlt than ‘SuggeST’.
Or trying to reduce the impact of the inevitable Stone pardon. Donald Trump - the Great Pardoner.
Sure. Maybe they all want to go into the daycare business. I really don’t know but Trump is not exactly the wellspring of good or rational reasons for doing things.
wouLd It HeLP if I GavE yOU a DicTIonARy? Or WoULd a THeSauRUS Be mOrE uSeFuL to YoU?
It’s a definite thought. He’s very, very concerned for Stone’s welfare in a way he was not, so much, for Manafort, Cohen, Gates, Flynn, etc. etc.
Exactly. Why should I care? I can’t control the situation. In a sad way, the situation is rather laughable. It’s certainly ridiculous.
Private sector or spend more time with family. Either works but only one is profitable.
I forgot the exact quote, but GC3 compared working for the Trump administration to ‘a sh-- show being inside a dumpster fire’.
I totally agree that it’s rather sadly laughable and completely ridiculous.
It’s like watching Trump in a sandbox.
Did Trump or any pseudonym’s of DJT appear in the Panama Papers or that other country’s Panama Papers? Because someone is getting a pay off.
It is pretty clear that this departure is voluntary. In the Trump administration firings are quick and involve goons. He would never have given somebody he fired until the 2nd of March.
After they get all the light sockets and fittings checked out by school safety and licensing boards, yes, I can totally see that. There’s Mike, fitting straws into juice boxes while Kerik checks for headlice. And who’s that over their pushing the twins on the tire swing? Sweet old Rod Blagojechich…awww.