Nadler Details Trump Impeachment Probe | Talking Points Memo

I couldn’t resist looking. Nothing direct to this on Twitter yet. The latest bullshit:

“The Trump Administration has achieved more in the first 2 1/2 years of its existence than perhaps any administration in the history of our Country. We get ZERO media credit for what we have done, and are doing, but the people know, and that’s all that is important!”

Fucking delusional.

I do wonder why Twitter refuses to enforce against Trump as he attacks people.

Enough is enough. Rules are rules.


Always the optimist.

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Notice how he can’t bring himself to say the name of the airport. It’s Prestwick. PRESTWICK. The same Prestwick that Trump in 2014 publicly promised to make very successful (the airport is a money-loser in the middle of nowhere). Search for “Trump Prestwick 2014” and take your pick.


Like any good mob overlord, he has Jack Dorsey in his pocket.

But from the same thread and his cough, cough accomplishments


His last tweet was over 40 minutes ago. He must be in some important mee … oh, I just can’t finish that sentence.


Hey-- he only promised to release his taxes if elected.

Nothing in there about being appointed via russkie hacking ops.


For a guy who claims to know nothing, and that the issue has “NOTHING TO DO WITH ME”. He sure seems to have the main details right…hmmm.

BTW where is Doonbeg, Ireland? It must be near Dubin.


I’d hope there was someone nearby familiar with the Heimlich maneuver to save you from choking on these four little words.


I always saw this quote as ‘me or your lyin’ eyes?’


I said to someone last week that they should enumerate and specify the achievements. Put up or shut up.

Never heard a word. Was waiting for them to say ‘you can look it up’ and my retort to that is, no, you brought it up, you back it up.


While we all know there is no such thing as “self-impeachment”, and those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together understood what Pelosi was saying at the time, giving Shithead the last several weeks to act on his instincts has delivered even more impeachment material.

This process is a slog. Our D’s have proceeded at an excruciating pace in order to meticulously follow each step in a fashion that won’t be struck down by legitimate jurists.

All of the hand wringing by the concerned and shit throwing by our trollerati had no impact on the pace of the House but I’m glad we’re finally here.


It’s been posted so many times, but something stirring in me needs to post it again!

Q: What is the difference between Donald J. Trump and the Hindenberg?
A: One is a big bag of flaming gas. The other is an airship.

There. That is off my chest…


His accomplishments?

  1. Tax cut for the super wealthy.
  2. Kids in cages.

Any more questions?


He’s on the phone to special envoy Kushner: “Hey get some of those palestinians and israelis into Camp David! I have an announcement scheduled for next week! What, they won’t come? How about some Indians and the Pakistanis?”


Mike’s family? He’ll stop and see his family? He’ll kiss his old Ma, will he, you saccharine lying asshole? He has a cousin left there who runs a bar, FFS. See his family? He can see them back home when he’s out of office. He’ll be home a lot preparing for trial so it’ll offer plenty of Kodak moments.


And here I thought you liked the rest of us!

  • Most days golfing of any administration, ever.
  • Threatened to destroy NATO (First in class!).
  • Allowed the Taliban to achieve the greatest expansion since 9/11 of land controlled.
  • North Korea with functional ICBMs that can hit the U.S.
  • Iran exceeding uranium purity (first time ever!).

Could go on and on.


Funny, how they can’t even come up with those.

It’s all smoke and mirrors, folks. All smoke and mirrors.



Home to the old sod in time for sheep shearing and the repairing of the croft, don’cha know. The kinsfolk came from kilometers around to greet their American cousin come back to save them all. You had to have been there…


Not me, but I’ve been over this one for years now.

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