So Leslie Stahl’s eye roll was the antidote to giving this dangerous and hateful extremist a platform to spew this garbage. Thanks CBS. I can sleep better now, because I can now begin normalizing insanity.
Stahl’s a good reporter, but I was disappointed by the interview. While she called out Greene on some of her BS, too much of the interview felt like a puff piece.
Quite the primetime pivot toward the GOP VP slot.
You can give trailer trash a handout, and they will be satisfied for a time.
But teach them to grift on a national level, and they can continue to embarrass themselves and their party ad infinitum.
$$$$$ & more $$$$$$$$
Remember how they all normalized TFG.
Ramesh Ponnuru, of the National Review and American Enterprise Institute swamps, wrote a whiny op-ed about Trump’s indictment in today’s WaPo.
It’s the long-term effect on our politics that is most worrisome. If a prosecution that even some of Trump’s critics consider a stretch brings him down, then we can expect more dubious prosecutions of politicians in both parties. District attorneys in deep-red jurisdictions can be just as creative as those in New York. Republican voters may grow more adamant about demanding it. They could decide that nobody really cares about the civic norms that once inhibited abusive prosecutions — an argument that Bragg has just made more persuasive.
And the lowering of these inhibitions would further degrade our politics and reduce Americans’ faith in the justice system. Public confidence in the mostly impartial administration of the law, especially in cases involving politicians, could suffer long after the 2024 elections.
Indicting Trump for the yet undisclosed indictments would reduce our faith in the justice system? What would not indicting him do, you silly little man?
Commenters were disgusted and mad as hell and told Ramesh what they thought of him and his opinion. Very enjoyable.
Edited! One too many nots.
That “They go low, we go high” shit is worthless. Besides, that comment was within a blog not on national tv.
Time to take the kid gloves off.
And no interview question about R PACman AntonLazarro’s recent arrest for serial statutory rape if not trafficking??
Change that to “was a good reporter.” Not to be an ageist (I’m 71 myself) but she’s aged out of the game.
The MSM needs to use new terms when referring to MTG and the other members of the Freedom Caucus. Ths article used far-right’, which is probably close, but they are no way ‘hard-core conservatives’. These pols are not ‘conservative’ in any meaningful sense of the word. Instead, they are racist, fascist, anarchist, nihilistic and radical. Treating them as normal, good faith political actors is a big mistake.
It’ll come out later Greene insisted on editing rights as a condition of the interview. If Stahl actually did any serious grilling it was left on the cutting room floor, per Greene’s demands.
I’ll bet 60 Minutes fails to clean this up. They just hosted a guest that accused half of America of one of the most heinous crimes that one can commit. Push back was possible ( that last several politicians busted for pedo shit have been GOP’ers ) but instead a weak kneed “oh come on” is what America got.
What did they expect? MTG has been around long enough they had to know this is what they were going to do. Fuck You 60 Min.
I don’t have the stones to watch this.
I totally lost respect for Leslie Stahl when she let herself get rolled by Trump in that interview right after the 2016 election.
No, they really can’t.
Democrats don’t commit crimes as a matter of course like Trump and Republicans do these days. Republicans prioritize AGs/DAs for their ability to fight the culture war, not for their prosecutorial skills.
Also, successful prosecutions require months if not years of hard, dedicated work. No Republican AG/DA is looking to stay in their position that long, when they can simply ‘announce’ an investigation and fundraise off it for their next election to higher office.
“Republicans will retaliate” is bluster, not a real risk.
This sinks them lower then when they skewered Dan Rather over Bush’s NG Service.
Haven’t watched in about a dozen years and don’t plan to start back up again in this lifetime.
CBS is now owned by Paramount Global, the product of the 2019 CBS Viacom merger. It was originally called National Amusements. In any case, you’d think political coverage might find fascism a bit less amusing. Stahl is famous for her “golly-gee-willikers” fawning interviews. I remember the Bloom Energy interview with a company that makes fuel cells. Sure, great tech, but not going to be wildly profitable for a while and not that novel. By the same token, populists don’t govern well even if they are good at throwing bombs. McCarthy has made a fatal error welcoming them into government as they can only break things. Would like to see Stahl do a revisit interview five years from now if the Trumpsters do manage to break everything.
And not a reason to hold back on a legitimate prosecution, either, given that it’s basically a threat they’re issuing, regardless of the solidity or legitimacy of Bragg’s charges.
Why does this recently elected congresswoman From a small red red district get so much publicity? The press has chosen to elevate this very uneducated hateful women! For clicks $$$ Meanwhile our Democracy is being hit with daily hammers by the Republican Party what happened in the Tennessee school shooting coverage? There a cover up going on where’s the current information of that shooting? Nada silence ? Coverup in plain sight !
"I’m calling out the truth, basically.”
– Marjorie Taylor Greene, 2023
In that case, with my TPM postings, I’m running the country.
Given the way they fetishize hierarchy of all kinds, I don’t think the label ‘anarchist’ fits at all.
You can on one hand the journalists that don’t get rolled by the politicians they interview.