Moreno Leans Hard Into Misogyny In Close Ohio Sen Race: Why Do Women Over 50 Care About Abortion?

A word of wisdom to men, just STOP! Stop talking about abortion!
Women no matter their age are interest in protecting their health choices as well as those of their daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc. so please just, stop.


It’s a little crazy by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”

The Supreme Court ripped a constitutional 50 year old right away and a lot of us, including women, want it back. As mentioned above women over 50 are worried about their daughters, sisters and others having full bodily autonomy. Moreno needs a woman to explain the arc of history to him. Womansplain the issue if you will. He seems to be to be too stupid to represent any woman in the Senate.


“Why do immigrant citizens care about the Constitution at all?” said Moronic Fool as he continued to try to convince immigrants that his GOP-Nazi inspired platform to round up immigrants using the US Army was just the bestest thing ever…


If more of these idiots would step on their own dicks, abortions would drop even further.


You know what would be crazy? Letting that guy articulate my reason for voting.
For some reason don’t think he would make me seem reasonable.


Will this get “sane washed” too?


One thing I can say about GOP politicians, they are consistent…consistently misogynists.


“Bernie’s view is that women voters care just as much about the economy, …” Guess what? Family planning is as much an economic issue as it is a health issue.


Senator Brown had better find his attack dog instincts and fast.

Morono has been closing the gap with feeble minded but reliable MAGAts here by a protracted dark money air and online assault, and Brown has been seemingly nowhere when he needs to be gutting this sonovabitch. And he’s a fat, juicy target too, not some decorated vet or sparkling citizen. Morono is a corrupt crook with terminal foot in mouth disease.

Come on Sherrod! And call in the national party if you think it’ll help. You need to run up your margins here where Madame VP is more popular too.


Patronizing women, that’ll work!


Yeah we’re running out of rakes to put in front of them.



The words of a man who believes decisions on these matters should be left to men, starting with priests. (Even my conservative, Catholic sisters care about abortion and birth control.)


In the “other” category, I would place the girls on our high school robotics team. A couple of years ago the team won a place at the national competition - in Houston. I worried about them. What if something came up in the 5 or so days they were there? Last year, when my grandson joined the team, they didn’t make it to the finals.I did, however, have the opportunity to talk to the coach and expressed my concern for the female members of the team. I asked if they had a contingency plan in case of emergency. Turns out he wasn’t even aware of the issue at all or the stance of TX on reproductive care. He was stunned. Every single girl on the team is potentially in danger. All jr. high, high school and college teams should contest having their national competitions in abortion restricted states. Nobody plans in advance to have an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage or a gynecological emergency that will be met with a failure to treat and potential death.


I think this is a case of in-my-bubble-speak. In Moreno’s world, it’s irritating that Democrats have been winning so many voters over just because of Dobbs. They see the data and scratch their heads and ask each other, “Who the hell are all these people?! They can’t all be child-bearing-age females!”

And sadly there is no one in their bubble to tell them that these voters are people who like having freedom and dislike having to ask politicians for permission to manage their lives. In the fall after Dobbs I heard a Republican strategist say, “They can’t stay mad forever.”

And I thought, wow, is he about to get his ass handed to him.


“…questioning why older women are even worried about access to the procedure during a county town hall.”

I think i’d worry about a procedure during a town hall quite a bit!


And they don’t have to be females to care.


Men, I’m one, should also be concerned about their wives, daughters, sisters, friends, etc.
I am.


“Sadly, by the way, there’s a lot of suburban women, a lot of suburban women that are like, ‘Listen, abortion is it. If I can’t have an abortion in this country whenever I want, I will vote for anybody else.’ … OK. It’s a little crazy by the way, but — especially for women that are like past 50 — I’m thinking to myself, ‘I don’t think that’s an issue for you.’”

As a guy, coupled with over 4 decades of marriage, I have to ask, when are services and the interment scheduled? I await the obit.


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