I hear that `County Attorney is famous for being slow. Someone needs to light a match under his ass. Every day that those cops are free is another day of chaos.
I can’t even comprehend such an absurd clueless statement.
all four Minneapolis police officers involved in George Floyd’s death to be held accountable,
what a brilliant idea.
Imagine if they were arrested at the moment the crime was committed, the friggin country WOULD NOT BE BURNING DOWN !!!
if it was you or I in the street killing someone exactly as we see in the video, you might have heard, “get off him” right before you or I was shot.
It took him 18 months to bring charges against the cop who killed the woman in front of her house:
Officer Mohamed Noor , of the Minneapolis Police Department, was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in connection with the death of life coach Justine Ruszczyk Damond .
Charged & convicted would have stopped the protests. Charged until a ‘reasonable force’ exoneration would have delayed & increased the violence.
Still holding my breath for a conviction.
Can tRump be added as a catalyst that greased the skids leading to their actions
How do they every explain any of these atrocities?? Handcuffed guy shaken to death in rough ride paddy wagon? Medical worker shot in her own bed? Middle school kid Killed for playing in a park? Man shot trying to show his drivers license as ordered? Happy young woman “commits suicide” due to driving through town? Teen carrying deadly skittles?
I cannot comprehend any of it!
This is the world brought to us by self-serving Republicans. Trump has no moral or political compass.
McConnell and his crew have been successfully using Trump to accomplish their own agenda from the beginning. I think many of them realize they are tanking themselves, but I doubt any of them have the balls to attempt to force him to resign.
Trump is hanging on literally for his mental and physical survival, hoping Barr will somehow save him. He knows he is likely to be prosecuted WHEN he loses the election.
Like the LA riots. People held still, even after seeing the brutal tape, and waited to see if there would be any justice. There wasn’t, and suddenly there was no peace either. They gave the society more of a chance than most victims of police violence get. That seems to be the way of it usually.
One of the things with the Police Forces is that they are not accountable to civilian authorities. Di Blasio is bending backwartd defending the cops…
And the cops say? Thank Trump and blats Di Blasio…
Situation or facts in this case soooo totally different. Victim was white woman. Cop was not AfricanAmerican, he was Somalian, still a black man. Most importantly, the police union did not support the cop. Which could be expected given the head of Minneapolis police union is known supremacist.
So Freeman didn’t do anything significant given racial makeup of those in case. Black males do not get away with killing white woman in America even if he’s a cop, let alone black immigrant.
Proud that my hometown public safety dept is sending a better message. I hope they mean it & follow through with their own actions.
Peaceful protests are not in Donald’s interests, because they’re more powerful than him.
Minnesota Burning, the sequel to Mississippi Burning. The more things change, the more things stay the same.
When Chauvin was fired and indicted a friend commented ,‘Well, that’s a first step.’ I disagreed, ‘When the four of them are indicted, that’s the first step.’
The other three need to be arrested. Also, they need to shut off the security cameras by the killers cell, toss him a length of rope and take a coffee break…otherwise the trial is gonna go on and on and on.
The irony of Twitter and its number one trumPP enabler aligning itself with Black Lives is so thick you could choke on it.
Companies like Nike, Twitter and Citigroup have aligned themselves with the Black Lives Matter movement.
As Netflix posted on Twitter on Saturday: “To be silent is to be complicit. Black lives matter. We have a platform, and we have a duty to our Black members, employees, creators and talent to speak up.”
Axios actually has an article up with these words in it:
The reset — and what’s next
What’s next is that Trump flies the jet into the mountainside. He can’t change. His one gimmick is to whip up as much chaos as possible and leave the normal people too dazed and confused to respond. He’s an arsonist, and the only way he knows to keep from being held to account is to pour gasoline on the flames, so that all energy is spent on putting out the flames rather than extinguishing him. After a summer and fall of the nation reliving every national trauma the country has ever faced throughout its history, I wouldn’t be surprised if the biggest problem Trump faces is how to extricate himself from the White House with his life intact.
I’m sorry I missed it. Would you consider reposting?
Gee, I wonder if there’s, you know, a common thread that links all those people.