in Michigan Right-Wing anti-Democracy extremists now say
I Don’t Like the Spacing of Your Letters!
in Michigan Right-Wing anti-Democracy extremists now say
I Don’t Like the Spacing of Your Letters!
Oh my gosh. Hasn’t anyone seen that egregious font size? Yeah, I didn’t think so. The depths these people will sink to is pretty fucking amazing. They no longer care how silly they look to the real world.
Sammy A really loves anybody who can get behind the idea of crudely abrogating the expressed intentions & choices of over 750,000 legal voters … especially if they do it …
… they have steeled themselves to the criticism - already discounting all criticism as the ranting of heathens who fail to see the divine nature and exclusive correctness of the holy crusade that they are on
… they have granted themselves permission from their almighty to break any and all rules in the pursuit of their quest … their crusade. … geez … sounds oddly cult-like
What? A Court that works?
Court is 4-3 dems; the decision was 5-2.
Most excellent.
No, they want it decided by the states… (meaning gerrymandered state legislatures)
"in Michigan Right-Wing anti-Democracy extremists now say
I Don’t Like the Spacing of Your Letters!"
You imply that they read. They don’t. Kerning? F that. Ignorance and hate honored in the Trumpist pantheon by His racist anti-semitic homophobic, never mind Islamophobic, adorerers. I live in Trump country. This is what it is.
In one of two concurrences included in the decision, Chief Justice Bridget M. McCormack noted that…
I’m actually more interested in hearing the details of the dissenters. What kind of BS did they dream up to support their dissents?
Who tf were the two who voted to uphold the the spacing issue?
Yes indeed - here he is in all his strident - screw fair play / discard objectivity - glory
Justice Brian K. Zahra a truly polarized mind!!!
I gave this a like. Thanks for posting. What a creep! Would have been a torturer during the Inquisition. In Jesus’s Holy Name of course.
“What a sad marker of the times.”
MAGAfolk and Clero-fascists keep running into the shoals of the rule of law.
It’s better to go down in flames for your misogynistic beliefs then to be a snowflake.
Liberals Fail To Give Letters Their Space.
Bible Written In Aramaic.
And they know damn well how gerrymandered many of those legislatures are.
There are more votes for Democrats than for Republicans for state legislature in Michigan but because of the gerrymandering Republicans control both Houses.
[edited–inappropriate and off-topic. Don’t go there.]
She did not mince words.
Now that Michigan has seen two examples of bad faith on the part of the Republicans who sit on that board - 2020 when they tried not to certify the votes of Wayne County and this one, the state needs to add a seat to the board: 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans and 1 Independent. It’s the only way to overcome the permanent bad faith that is now the Republican Party.