Michigan Court Blocks 2-Week Extension For Absentee Ballots | Talking Points Memo

The Michigan Court of Appeals  on Friday said that absentee ballots must arrive by Election Day to be counted, blocking a 14-day extension that had been ordered by a lower court. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1339088
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We’re going to outvote you anyway


So in reading this my understanding is that a man dying of terminal cancer, fights to survive long enough to cast his vote in early voting, and then dies his ballot won’t count. I never thought when Republicans decried the dead voting that this is what they meant or included in their rants.


The appeals court, however, said the pandemic and widely criticized mail delivery challenges that became central to congressional debate over the summer “are not attributable to the state.”

So if the legislature won’t do the proper thing, and decides that they won’t take into consideration the “positivity rates” for the amount of virus within the state as a obstacle to voting then screw 'em?

And somehow the decision by legislators that are elected to office from a discrete group of voters can prevent a large number of votes to be declared invalid through no fault of the voter. Yes that’s sounds like democracy.


"The Republican-appointed appeals court judges "

Will be a recurring theme for the foreseeable future.Should Biden be elected he won’t be able to ignore “court packing” .


Don’t have WP subscription and couldn’t open post,but your commentary explained it all.

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My Michigan absentee ballot arrived in my election precinct on Tuesday, Took 2.5 weeks to get from Germany to the town I am registered in, but it‘s there. Straight ticket Dem too.


The solution is to vote, by whatever means. Quit complaining and worrying, and just get your butts to the polls. Or get your ballot filled out and get it to the Registrars office, if you have to get up early or stay up late, just do it, god dammit.

Sorry, but No Excuses accepted.


Until they get removed, or outnumbered, or don’t have to worry about threats from Trump and the GOP.

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One does not want to be overly reductionistic but:

Judge Cynthia Stephens had previously ordered that any ballots postmarked by Nov. 2 could be counted if they arrived within two weeks after the Nov. 3 election noting that there was “unrefuted evidence” about mail delivery problems

Judge Stephens was looking at “evidence”? That’s quaint. Anyone want to venture a guess as to the color of her skin? (You’d guess right.)

As for the following, there’s really no need for rhetorical questions, is there?

[Mark] Boonstra along with two other appeals court judges who heard the case — Michael Gadola and Thomas Cameron — were appointees of former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) when he held that post.

Incidentally, Mike Gadola was Rick Snyder’s attorney. Gadola’s son was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges related to child pornography.

If I may be so bold as to paraphrase N. Leroy Gingrich, Definer of Civilization’s Rules and Leader (Perhaps) of The Civilizing Forces, Republicans are the cancer in our society.


“That was horrifying!” I thought, awaking in a cold sweat.

I dreamed I lived in oldest democracy on the planet and, not only did it know how to run an election where every eligible voter was guaranteed they could cast a ballot, simply, there were no gerrymandered districts or grossly unrepresentative governing bodies like the US Senate.

“It was only a dream,” I repeated as I dried myself off, changed the sheets, and eventually coaxed myself back to sleep.


Excellent Post. This was S.O.P. for Civil Rights Era folks (who were my parents’ Generation).

My parents’ Generation had people who would have to use the side of the road as a restroom.

OF COURSE the racists would resist…Hello?


I always thought that if a person voted, absentee or early, whatever, their voted would be counted. The story I don’t think explains why this gentleman’s vote won’t be counted. And other commenters on the story WaPo had the same reaction.



Comment from post.

"Jeffersontown is a massive Democrat area, so we know that this guy is a Republican operative.

Republicans are the only ones who commit voter fraud."


BY GOD AND BY TRUMP the Republicans will do ANYTHING to disenfranchise your vote.


We dropped our ballots off yesterday. Straight ticket.
Here’s some good ‘swing state’ polling news-- Michigan (where my family hailed from originally) included:


The FiveThirtyEight approval poll margins have also begun to expand. With All Polls, Polls of Adults and Polls of Registered and Likely Voters between 10-12% each.

Seems the country is done with a recent sympathetic Sick Dolt Bounce. :grin:




Your prerogative and not a question I’d ask anyone – but glad to hear it regardless.



a 77 year old colon cancer patient summons up the strength and determination to make sure his vote is in before the deadline … make sure yours is TOO!


" Seems the country is done with a recent sympathetic *Sick Dolt Bounce"

And his **better half ** ?


I just gotta take issue with this bit. JTown is very, very Republican. It’s very old and very white. Plus, no one from Louisville would call it Jeffersontown. No. One.