Emboldened by reporter Allison Donahue’s account, Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D) came forward Tuesday morning with her own accusation of sexual harassment against fellow Sen. Peter Lucido (R).
Well we all knew that the incident with the reporter, in front of teenage boys from his alma mater, wasn’t his first time at the sexually inappropriate rodeo.
And for Petra’s sake if his behavior at the mandated sexual harassment training wasn’t the opportunity to “correct” him there and then, then what did the MI Republicans think was going to happen?
Too bad Lucindo doesn’t have a billion in the bank, his name on buildings and his own TV show. Then he’d be able to do these things, and maybe get elected President.
Lucido is right about one thing: It is exceedingly difficult for graduates from an all male school such as he attended to grasp the idea that females are people.
I live in the Great State of Michigan. repubs have run this state for a long time. Now we have Dems in high positions (Governor, Lt Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General). As for the legislature, in 2018, Republicans hold the majority in the Senate with 22 seats; Democrats hold the minority with 16 seats. Under the Michigan Constitution, the Lieutenant Governor of Michigan serves as President of the Senate , but may only cast a vote in the instance of a tie. We are heavily gerrymandered. In 2018 the citizens voted in having a citizen committee draw up the District lines after the 2020 census. I am not eligible because I’m a precinct delegate. I wish I could be on the committee.
Trump doesn’t HAVE “a billion in the Bank”.
He is in hock up to his eyeballs and desperately in debt to Russian and Saudi mobsters.
Those that know him best figure he is worth FAR less than $10 Million total in actual assets, everything else he “claims” to own being underwater in loans that he can’t possibly repay.
It’s all “smoke and mirrors” and if his Taxes and Finances every see the light of day, it will open a lot of eyes to what a fraud and financial fool he really is.
This also explains his fixation on trying to force The Fed to lower interest rates. He would get a lot of pressure relieved on his underwater loans with a reduction in interest rates.
This behavior must be so compulsive that the threat of exposure and shame is not enough to inhibit it.
Shake hands and that’s it. Keep your hands off the women. Hug 'em? kiss 'em? You may say it’s innocent. They think you’re a creep.