Melania Trump Booed At Opioid Event | Talking Points Memo

One hundred percent agree on the infuriating nature of the fault, which is one of the many, many faults with this new software. In this particular case, we (the nerd members of the “Hive Mind”) have determined that if you alter one character or more in the original quote, you can fool nannybot and she’ll let the quote stand. Some folks drop the last punctuation, I sometimes double it (if it’s a period), but in any event, it can be fooled with a small edit of the text string.

A couple of other absolutely infuriating bugs I find particularly annoying:

  1. I filter on the “new topics”, tracking only a certain subset (mostly “TPM Article Topics”) which for some reason has triggered a bug where the suggested “New topics” pointer at the end of a discussion thread gets updated every 90 seconds or so with “new” articles from as long ago as ten or more years. So, in between the legitimately new articles, I see headlines like:

Reid Stands By Berkley: ‘She Didn’t Violate Any Rules Whatsoever’

Virginia Is For Lovers, Not Culture Warriors: Obama Surges In The Commonwealth

Rand Paul Campaign: We’re Considering Legal Options Over Kidnapping Story

I reported this when they first did the last upgrade, it was acknowledged as a bug but absolutely nothing has been done to fix it.

  1. Another one that bugs me is that there used to be a setting to pick whether the software would jump to the end of a thread when you post a reply. I happen to like to stay where I am and keep reading, but now I have to post, navigate back and then keep going.

  2. final rant and I’m done for now - When I do choose to go back to a parent post on my Android phone, often the “Back” button doesn’t appear, and other times when it does, it doesn’t work. Basically, navigation is broken on the phone.

I have others (and yes, they were reported in the bugs thread that was started at the time of the “upgrade”) but I just can’t get over how little value @JoshMarshall puts on the discussion board, which sustains the community spirit that seems to be the heart and soul of this site. I got pretty close to dropping my subscription this year, but my obsession with Donnie won out for now, but once that particular nightmare is over I’m not sure I have it in me to keep deleting that many old articles every day.

As we say in the IT biz - “It truly sucks dead gophers through a garden hose…”