Meanwhile, In Giuliani-World, The Ukraine Scheme Continues | Talking Points Memo

I have said this before, but exactly nine months after Trump’s removal from Office there will be a baby boom the U.S. has never seen before…resulting in overcrowding of high schools in the early-to-mid 2030s and shut-down (because of volume) College Admissions Boards in the late 2030s-to-early 2040s…

With an over-abundance of first names like “Adam” or “Rachel” or “Nancy” or “Val”

or Jerrold.


Thought I saw “Trump Blue” and “Pompeo” in there…

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Trump is orange and Pompeo is puce.


All of this is true…and there are still elements in the current gov’t that are Putin’s puppets, like Derkash, but the key is to get he current gov’t to legitimize everything if they can. Relying solely on the disgruntled former prosecutor general Lutsenko and Firtash’s toys like Shokin is something they’ll certainly take and run with, but it’s not an official statement or optimum, and those folks aren’t getting back in power prior to the election. They want it to come out of Zelensky’s mouth. That’s the ultimate goal.

Giuliani is a bad (or sick) guy!


I think it is high time someone (whether Hunter Biden or the former Ambassador to Ukraine) file a defamation lawsuit against Rudy et al. It appears to me that he has passed the threshold even for “public figures” since he has been told over and over again that the allegations he is publicly making are false.

Once a lawsuit it filed, it is on to discovery!


Its about time that Trump’s big balloon got pricked with a big Democratic spike and he gets blown away.

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It’s the new republican Benghaa-aazi!


That’s not even remotely how defamation law works. Rudy would have to be making these statements with actual knowledge that they are false, or with reckless indifference to their truth or falsity. If people in Ukraine are feeding him bullshit that he’s regurgitating, it won’t make much difference if other people are telling him it’s bullshit. He’s pretty much allowed to believe the bullshitters.

Nope. Discovery only starts if you get past a motion to dismiss on the pleadings, which the one you’re proposing would not.


“Ukrainian political leaders interviewed in the program insist the Biden-Burisma gambit was a get-rich-quick scheme that the Ukrainian people find transparently corrupt,” the announcement reads.’

God Damn You to HELL Karl Rove

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This script was prepared for 2017 by Russians and corrupt Ukrainians help Trump win re-election. The allegations were supposed to simmer during the primaries that would turn into a torrent through coordinated placement of false information amplified by Fox outrage machine.

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Anything touched by Giuliani is tainted. It’s time that he be exposed for corrupt clients and associates.

First yes Rudes is expendable, and yet he says he has an insurance policy? Rudes and anyone else in Trumplandia is expendable, the only constants in Trumplandia is Trump and his NPD.
Barr ain’t touching Rudytooty. Barr is more expendable than the Rudester.

Has anyone told Trump’s base that their kids won’t let them move in with them? That Sonny and Sissy will hire a brown or black person to keep the old person in their home?

And has anyone told Trumplandia that the number of people paying into SS is shrinking while the Greatest Generation and the oldest Boomers took all their $$$?

Have to wonder why this, why now?

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And Barr is berry?
Has anyone realized that Trump, Petty PompousAss and Barr have the biggest asses in DC?

he intends to release “the evidence” at an unspecified date and time, presumably in the near future.

Ghouliani better coordinate his announcement with Cadet Toadglans mit Bone Spurs lest it get swallowed up in the news cycle due to Cockholster releasing his taxes, Melanoma’s immigration file(s), Part Deux of his “physical,” and on and on and on and ….

One America News

Fantasy presented as reality.

The good stuff is stashed in Al Capone’s vault. Stay tuned.

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And a big drop-off in Lindsay, Donald, Susan…

A Yuge crane dropping turdbombs on Trumpf.