“I hate it when you guys fight!” - Poor little Kevin (no relation to Joe) McCarthy
This, plus strip away her right to floor vote. She can make the case for DC statehood.
Can’t. That’s in the constitution. Committees aren’t.
This seems to be a fairly easy outcome to predict. McCarthy will likely take the weakest stand that is consistent with his own welfare. What that stand turns out to be will depend on conversations in the cloakroom.
Note to Republicans, when Moscow Mitch McConnell becomes your moral compass, you have a bigger problem than a single loony member in the House of Representatives.
Stupid constitution
OTOH: it’d immobilize him quite as effectively as his stupidity and cowardice have to date.
I already said so once but I think they ought to give her Ronna’s job - let her run the GOP. hahahaha
I do believe that he’s trying to reassert his power which had seemed to be slipping. Is it going to work?
I also think the Rs had maneuvered McCarthy out of the Speakership once before by begging Ryan to take it. I can see if it comes up again he may find himself pushed aside once more. Who comes out on top is an interesting question.
Should be “EXIM2POTUS.”
That dismissive look down her nose when offered a mask while sheltering during the riot was so middle school mean girl that it shocked me. Like, I can’t even be bothered to talk to you. Ugly.
I also noticed that he didn’t say anything.
McCarthy is like supermarket muzak. By trying to please everyone he just succeeds in offending everyone.
“Stripping her”
The Greene Nude Deal.
In a set of unusual moves, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) are upping the pressure on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to do something about the House’s QAnon problem ahead of a Wednesday Republican conference meeting.
Heat’s getting to you, boys? Here, let’s turn it up a notch or two.
That is a very large set.
As long as he thinks it’s in his own interest; not one second longer.
Here, perhaps, is the root of it all: people trading away value, conviction and integrity in order to be liked. It is good to be well-regarded, but the nature of things for which one is regarded is far, far more important. People lose sight of this basic truth so readily.
Wonder what her middle & high school classmates have to say about her.
When questioned about the approval for assassinating Democrats etc., she’s responded (on Twitter apparently?) that staff were in charge of her social media.
She has never explicitly said which things on social media may or may not have been done by someone other than her.
She has never explicitly said that those aren’t her current views.
So unless and until she clears that up, this can be considered consequences not for actions before assuming office, but for homicidal, fascist views we can reasonably assume she still holds.