Republicans in disarray!
McCarthy Leaves Door Open To Cheney Critics As GOP Forms Circular Firing Squad | Talking Points Memo
Kevin McCarthy: All Hat, No Cattle
Speaking of circular firing squads.
Fire breathing? Popping those China-made “Ivanka Tacs” again? There’s not much melamine in them.
Ivanka Trump deserves the Christine Lagarde treatment…
Though his girlfriend is a ‘hr nightmare’, he has fans who are ‘interested’.
Too bad - he would have gotten his ass handed to him.
The Banana Splits.
What a ‘leader’. Cowardly craven twit.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), for one, tweeted that Cheney had a “hell of a lot more backbone than most” and pledged to keep supporting her in her leadership role.
Tweeted by someone who never sports more than a little calcified cartilage.
Says the seditionist who voted to overturn the election.
It’s fascinating that “neocon” is the new “N” word among the GOP.
What a difference 14 years make.
Larger market, less transportation.
ETA. Who says we don’t understand market economics.
She can have a difference of opinion, but the one thing if we’re going to lead within the conference, we should work together on that as a whole conference
So Cheney can have a difference of opinion so long has her opinion is not different from that of the whole conference.
Spineless and weak McCarthy is the furthest thing from a leader that it is possible to imagine.
Is this really a circular firing squad? Who is firing in defense of Cheney, other than perhaps Dan Crenshaw?
For as often as the GOP likes to accuse everyone else of “cancel culture”, they’re pretty good at it.
When Liz Cheney is your conscience, I think it is safe to say the diagnosis for the party is sociopath.
McCarthy is firing in her defense at the same time as he fires at her. Both siderism taken to its logical extreme.
She’d be better off with that one than the Clara Petacci treatment.
“It was expected for the Democrats to rush to judgment in the heat of the moment without even pretending to investigate the facts,”
Wow, for a bunch of lawyers they sure are bad at their jobs.
Fact 1: Video of President Trump saying, “after this we will go to the…<shouts> CAPITOL…because you have to show strength…we’re going to have to fight much harder…”
Fact 2: After that they went to the Capitol and started fighting
Quod Erat Demonstratum Lorem Ipsum Pluribus Unum