McCarthy Caught In Lie After Denying That He’d Planned To Ask Trump To Resign

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was caught red-handed after insisting that news from the New York Times that he’d told House members he would push then-President Donald Trump to resign after Jan. 6 was “totally false and wrong.”

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There’s nothing worse than a dumb, corrupt, dimwitted, lying politician.


I can’t understand why major GOP pols don’t understand that there are currently so many media for recording speech. Also, most of them still don’t seem to understand that the only person who can lie with impunity is Mr. Trump: mere mortals face consequences. Perhaps GOP pols have become so accustomed to lying about all matters big and small that they have just become desensitized.


McCarthy is coming up with a new lie to cover the old lie. In the spin department. Deciding who to blame it on.


I think its more that they lie so often, they forget what they lied about and can’t keep their stories straight later.


Representative Cheney did not record or leak the tape and does not know how the reporters got it.

Representative Cheney’s staff recorded and leaked the tape. Representative Cheney does not know whether staff gave it to the Times via Dropbox, email, or USB drive.


They’ve all learned from Trump:

  1. Scream “Fake NEWS!!!” (which McCarthy did yesterday)
  2. Double-down on the lie (which he’s doing now, by leaving his statement up on Twitter)
  3. Triple-down on the lie (coming later today)
  4. Quadruple-down on the lie…
  5. Repeat ad nauseam, until the lie becomes the “truth.”

I agree this is most likely. Cheney is still well-versed in the art of plausible deniability.


He’ll claim the tape is a deep fake, with crisis actors.


“It was . . . it was . . . a comedy sketch! Yeah, that’s right. Comedy sketch! Liz and I were rehearsing because we were going to perform this at this big Republican retreat weekend. We would have totally killed, too, because it’s so impossible for me to want Trump to resign that the whole concept is hilarious.”


Qevin McQarthy doesn’t get “caught” in a lie,
he lives in a perpetual one.


… except an entire House party caucus and an entire Senate party caucus full of dumb, corrupt, dimwitted, lying politicians.


McCarthy Caught In Lie should be the headline of any story about him.


You could say Trump had McCarthy by the balls and just squeezed a little harder to get him to change his tune, but that would assume that Trump could locate the little fellows.


That claim isn’t as farfetched as it sounds. We’re going to hear that claim more and more over the next couple years.


That just it. Almost all of the Republican Party is caught up in a lie, State Repubs included. So many lies that they keep tripping over them. The trouble is, their supporters don’t give a hoot. Then the lies get spun by Faux et al and become truths to own the Libs. It’s become a form of artful dodging with zero repercussions.


It’s like all the people who do not understand that carrying around your (active) cell phone and using it to contact people is like wearing a GPS chip and a recorded time/date/place/duration stamp of any contacts (even if the content is not available). Of course, thanks to the Jan 6 stuff, a few more morons understand it than they used to.

And dollars to donuts the vast majority of people who use zoom and other such communications media have no clue that you can record the session. I’d be pretty willing to bet that this “audio” actually came from a recorded video conference session — by then, people were already pretty well acclimatized to using that for multi-person meetings and discussions and it became a pretty everyday sort of activity (and was easier to organize than conferencing multiple phone lines).

In fact, it would just be a total hoot if it was a recorded videoconference and ol’ Qevin tries to pretend it’s all a hoax and then they pop up with the attached video.

Besides, these morons are always convinced they are going to win so it’s not going to matter anyway…. And then they lose again. And it really matters big time.


Agreed; I was less-than-half-joking.


“artful dodging”

The Dickens you say?


Tony Gonzalez does football player math. IF the rethugs, that is IF, take the House, leadership doesn’t change for 38, 39 weeks.