John McAfee is back safe (for now) on U.S. soil: After a month-long flight from authorities in Belize, who sought the 67-year-old retired antivirus founder for questioning in the murder investigation of his neighbor in the country, which took McAfee to a cell in Guatemala, McAfee was “expelled,” in his words from Guatemala on Wednesday and sent home on a flight to Miami. Now that he’s on his home turf, McAfee revealed to ABC News that he faked an illness that sent him to the hospital in Guatemala, in an attempt to try and avoid being extradited back to Belize. He also took the opportunity in the interview to call Belizean authorities inept, thank the mainstream media for raising his profile and following his every move, and says he’s run out of the millions he made from selling the shares in his company, McAfee Associates, in 1994. Oh, and he still wants to find a way to bring his 17 and 20-year-old girlfriends back to the U.S.
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