True! And Mark Cuban likes to read him some Ayn Rand.
I believed it once myself. I was talking to a businessperson friend and said I always figured if you were successful you must, on some level, be fairly smart. He thought about it (should mention he has a Ph.D. in chemistry) and said it was his experience that it was mostly luck and a willingness to take chances. He was in a better place to make that judgment than me so I’ve taken it to heart. was, in fact, started with a paternal investment, though the father involved was not Mark Cuban’s. He bought in years later and subsequently took over the company.
Suffers from the curse of Paul Ryan?
Trump has done great work in undermining the notion that $ = intelligence - at least that´s what many people are saying. And I´m sure that Zuck, Bezos, et al., are geniuses, but only in some narrow bandwidth.
Show me instances where he’s applied it to those he manages and works with.
I’ll wait.
I don’t want to rag on Cuban who seems essentially harmless. I have to say the headline “Trump wants to run a campaign. Biden wants to run the country.” screams to be the theme of an ad campaign.
As someone who has lived in DFW for two decades, and sees a lot more of Cuban as a result, I think most of you should find another billionaire to aim the pitchforks at.
Politically, he’s more of a libertarian pragmatist, but he clearly cares about people and the direction of the country far more than almost anyone who reaches his level of wealth.
Let’s not forget, he openly campaigned for Clinton last time, and he’s been an outspoken leader ahead of the curve on systemic discrimination issues.
He ain’t perfect, but he’s about as close to an everyman’s billionaire as you can get given his life trajectory.
Well, he inherited a huge amount. And in the Eighties any fool could make money.
Though I’ve known him mostly as an NBA fan (via my Rockets lens)?
While I’ll always loathe him as a rival-- I’ve always thought of him as a decent individual.
Some of the comments upthread seem way too narrow-minded and judgemental-- without bases.
I will gladly admit I was stuck on a younger version of Cuban. It appears the years have softened and educated him:
And the die hards are not happy about it:
I’ll edit my previous posts.
Do appreciate your having made the effort.
I can’t stand when people start distorting facts and playing clever word games to avoid admitting they were wrong. It happens all too often on here. I see the evidence and see that I was wrong.
Sure Cuban’s a wealthy American capitalist so some may hate him but his comments about Trump vs Biden are also insightful and true. It’s all hands on deck to save the republic in 2020 so I’m happy he’s endorsing Biden.
He did, but he got over it apparently.
What are you, his little brother? It’s not like this story didn’t come out just two years ago.
Note: I am not claiming that he’s a full-on Objectivist, since that’s the standard you seem to be applying here. I’m just claiming he’s not all that bright, got very very lucky 21 years ago by selling right at the cusp of the dot-com bubble, and holds a number of deeply shitty beliefs. That includes loving him some Ayn Rand.
Great way to put it. All Trump wants is fame and fortune, everything and everyone else be damned.
What are you except blaming Cuban with whatever you think might save face?
Do you even read the entirety of the things you’ve posted on this thread?
Or do you have your paralegal do all the grunt work?
Meanwhile, Cuban is just starting to deal with the fallout from the behavior of his former CEO and others. Within hours of being contacted by SI, in addition to firing Pittman and initially suspending Sneed (whom he later fired), Cuban said that the Mavs were establishing a hotline for counseling and support services for past and current team employees. He is mandating sensitivity training for all employees, himself included.
“I want to deal with this issue,” Cuban told SI. “I mean, this is, obviously there’s a problem in the Mavericks organization and we’ve got to fix it. That’s it. And we’re going to take every step. It’s not something we tolerate. I don’t want it. It’s not something that’s acceptable. I’m embarrassed, to be honest with you, that it happened under my ownership, and it needs to be fixed. Period. End of story.”
What is up your ass today. Dude.
Sure, whatever. Bye.