ATLANTA (AP) — As more states push to reopen their economies, many are falling short on one of the federal government’s essential criteria for doing so — having an efficient system to track people who have been physically near a person infected with the coronavius.
In this Feb. 13, 2020, file photo, public health nurse Jennifer Morgan, right, checks-in via phone with a patient self-quarantined at home who had some risk of exposure to the coronavirus…
I had heard that lions and tigers at the Bronx Zoo had contracted coronavirus, but now housecats, too?
My wife is involved in contact tracing, interviewing by phone folks who tested positive for Covid-19 in the county where she works.
Almost all of them talk about friends, family, co-workers, etc. who all presented symptoms, but weren’t tested, so they weren’t “counted”, and can’t be unless they go in for an antibody check when available.
There is no national plan to manage Covid-19. There is no national plan for testing, tracing, and isolating. There will be no national plan for anything wrt Covid-19 while Trump is POTUS. Being a good steward of public health requires that he take a back seat to the experts and Pence who leads the Task Force. He is incapable of doing that. He canceled today’s Task Force briefing why? He is not required to attend the briefings.
One might think CDC would need some comprehensive data foundation to support a national strategy. But the planning was left up to a dog breeder and there is no evidence to support the assumption.
Even if all the states could develop functional tracking systems, there would still be no way to integrate 50 or so different methods into one national tracking system. Time is of the essence here too.
One might also assume with no evidence that at some point in his life the p*resident deigned to be toilet trained.
Keep your eye on the three sets of States that are collaborating on this - the northeast, the midwest and the west coast. They should be able to get a program together for their regions that will work for all of them. It isn’t hard to do and, with these three groups, it won’t be herding cats, like trying to involve the South.
Ya, I saw that. I have family in Janesville, WI who are posting scathing criticisms of the protesters in WI. Both my nephew (somewhat conservative) and his wife are seething about what’s happening. They understand the cost to public health these astroturf events are having.
" An unusually high number of New Yorkers contacted city health authorities over fears that they had ingested bleach or other household cleaners in the 18 hours that followed President Trump’s bogus claim that injecting such products could cure coronavirus, the Daily News has learned.
The Poison Control Center, a subagency of the city’s Health Department, managed a total of 30 cases of possible exposure to disinfectants between 9 p.m. Thursday and 3 p.m. Friday, a spokesman said.
None of the people who reached out died or required hospitalization, the spokesman said.
But compared to last year, the number of cases was worthy of a double-take.
According to data obtained by The News, the Poison Control Center only handled 13 similar cases in the same 18-hour period last year.
Moreover, out of the cases reported between Thursday and Friday, nine were specifically about possible exposure to Lysol. Ten were in regards to bleach and 11 about household cleaners in general, the spokesman said."
Yes…many states fall short. No surprise there that no one can respond to a pandemic with idiotic ideas and science denial. Why would any of them invest in testing and contact tracing if they hardly believe the rest of the science.
“It wouldn’t make sense for all the states to meet the mandate for contact tracing,” he said. "More tracing would lead to more testing, which would cost them a lot of money. Besides I like the numbers where they are, and I’m sure a lot of governors do, too.
“I talked to a governor just yesterday, a very beautiful governor, one of the loveliest of all the governors, and smart, too, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and she said a lot of people were saying they have to get their hair styled, which I understand. And a lot of them, you know, they want to get their nails done. She said some people want to get tattoos. I don’t know why anyone would want to get a tattoo, why they would want one, but I guess they’re very popular. I know they’re very popular in Georgia, the tattoos. And probably the haircuts also. You know how people are.”
(AP) OREGON - Cats have learned to type and speak English and are now taking over the internet - literally. From being cute felines posted about on various sites - they have now become the masters. These two are reporting on the death of their human housemate to the authorities, and will shortly sign off to begin their new business of making stock trades on the commodities market.
In an interview with (AP) Mittens stated he was going long on tuna futures.
This is exactly the crux of the problem. Everything regarding our ineffectual response to the crisis goes back to the fact we have no federal government. It has, in fact, forsworn and abdicated any responsibility in the matter, has told the states (the blue states in particular) that they are on their own, and is only interested in the pandemic to the extent they can profiteer.
So states are left to their own devices. A situation none of them ever contemplated, and so they’re basically left trying to reinvent the wheel in the midst of a deadly pandemic. Is it any wonder we have fifty different and scattershot responses, when one coordinated strategy is what we need and is required?
Who knew the guy recommending you drink bleach wouldn’t be competent?