Making Sense Of The Trump Classified Docs Case

He’s delusional in thinking he’s an effective government chief executive.


While all of the Military “gung-ho fight songs” are pretty dated, and creepy (I think the Navy song is more appropriate for a current Maryland college frat house), I think this new one is so much more saccharine and insipid than ever. Really. We do not live ( and fight) in the 1940s anymore. Time for a real reckoning and update of what the Military branches are charged to do. These are all worn-out WW II themes.

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Yes, they did. So much for separation of church and warfare objectives.

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China has a habit of claiming as “theirs” space that is actually in international waters.

I know it well. My daughter went to college there and never came home. I feel like I could give tours of that Parkway. I always have time to kill while she’s at work.


His work is also available at the Southern Highland Craft Guild shop in Biltmore Village.


I grew up with this one:
We’re always ready for the call,
We place our trust in Thee.
Through surf and storm and howling gale,
High shall our purpose be.
" Semper Paratus " is our guide,
Our fame, our glory too.
To fight to save or fight and die,
Aye! Coast Guard we are for you!


:laughing: :clap:t3: :clap:t3: :clap:t3: Deep Bow :pray:t3:


I posted a couple of pictures.

I have dozens more!


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Why do we always assume aliens are going to be hostile? Maybe they’re as curious as we are about other “intelligent” life out there. Is that projection on our part?

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My late niece was a student at UNC-Asheville when she died.
Lovely campus, and she just adored the theater department.

They planted a tree in her honor after she died. Turns out she was more popular and influential than we knew.


Ought to send test pieces in close states which use mail-in ballots

OMFG. Christian Twitter cannot count beyond 5!

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Always ready. I agree. The Coast Guard always responds to emergencies at sea. I see it every day, as I live on the waterways of the Puget Sound. From Aircraft Carriers to people in small sailboats capsized. Coast Guard is ready, and responds. My Hat’s off to them!! (Although i step back from the reference to a “Thee.” The Coast Guard is really all about saving their fellow mankind. Humanists. They don’t check your papers when you are in dangerous peril in the water.)


That’s cool. I went to a student art show there last fall.
My daughter went to Warren Wilson College up the road in Swannanoa. She is now firmly ensconced in West Asheville.


You think Trump’s covfefe boy had it bad? Aides literally had to put their hands in the toilet bowl to fish out torn documents he’d attempted to flush to dry out and tape back together.


And that’s with him clearly having photoshopped it too…poorly.


Warren Wilson is a fine little school.
I’ve participated in some symposia there.


You obviously never met my dad. Although very professional at work I would not say enlightened. He retired as a Master Chief and we all jumped when spoken to.