Majority Of Election Officials Face Threats, And Significant Number Fear Assault, Survey Finds

Here’s a good start, but there are hundreds of reports and validation of those who intend to harass and prevent completely eligible people to vote. If you really care to learn what the real problems and who the suppressors really are.


Uh, did you not notice all the anger in 2008 when The Black President was elected? The same people who worship Trump went off the deep end, and Trump just took advantage of that. This behavior goes back decades, and has only been ramping up over time. Trump was just the first big politician to say this stuff openly, instead of dog whistling…that gave permission to more people to do the same. But make no mistake, you could find the same stuff said now by Trump and his ilk decades ago…really, the open stating of their filth grew up around conservative radio, with people like Limbaugh spreading the hate.

It only seems worse now because it’s metastasized and a lot of loudmouths are saying this stuff, plus Republicans have become afraid to stand up to them…if McCain was around to tell them to knock it off he’d be in danger of being shot, and definitely would be voted out ASAP.


As much as we appreciate what John did, I suspect he would’ve been sent home next election for doing what he did. He certainly could not be a Senator now, in this environment.


YES! Totally agree. And let the idiot state actors figure out if that is worth their potential for years in jail.

Don’t give that power to the Defendant and failed occupant of the WH. He was a stooge, plain and simple. Of course, take him down. But, the people at the top that need to be exposed and taken down, ultimately, are the ones who have been scheming GOP “platforms” back to the years of Reagan.


Nay… It’s the Mozambique Drill: “Two to the chest, and one to the head in close quarters.”

Yes, that’s definitely possible…it’s not clear if the tide against the rise of what became MAGA could have been stopped by enough McCains standing up to them. Trump obviously made things worse by allowing them their primal scream, but it may have happened anyways, either from some cowardly politician like Cruz embracing them or just naturally as more of them took office in conservative states. Trump accelerated the trend…we can hope he implodes and causes its downfall this year, if he gets convicted and also continues to get worse and drives independents away he might drag the party down enough to cause it to shake off the crazies, or else drive off everyone for a decade or two. We can only hope things get better, not that Trump wins and then it all gets so much worse.


Someone elsewhere recounted a bunch of mis-speaks on TIFBG’s part at the most recent speaking events.

As these get regular replay, I have to wonder what the response will be from the remaining supporters.

He had plenty of help from the GOP power elite and the media.


Yes, indeed.

Yes, indeed I did notice the anger on the right when President Obama was elected. And you are spot on with your observation that Trump gave them not only permission to act out, but also exhorts them to act out.

I am reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address: “ Lincoln concluded his case with the most famous passages in the speech—a call to remember the bonds that unify the country, and his vision of hope:

“I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

Sadly, tragically, Trump seeks to summon the evil devils of our nature.


The solution is universal vote by mail. Full stop.

I’ve been an Election Official in Fairfax County, VA for 16 years, and I can’t imagine a more secure system. Voter registrations are in a database accessible at each polling place; there are a number of photo documents that will satisfy id requirements; same day registration is now available (though the ballot will be provisionally accepted, pending confirmation of the registration); paper ballots are completed and then scanned; the totals at the end of the day are recorded on forms and thumb drives that are immediately delivered to HQ; the ballots are delivered to appropriate points by each precinct’s Chief and retained pending possible recounts; and the results are available within a couple of hours after polls close.

I have never been pressured or threatened, and to the best of my knowledge neither has any other official in the County. It shouldn’t be that difficult to ensure that all elections are carried out in this manner, and it saddens me that folks have to resign in order to feel protected.

We will hope for you and all your staff, not just in VA, but all over the country, that your safety is paramount in November.

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Why, thank you Becca!