I think they’ve thought it through just fine, but in a different direction: Trump isn’t the losing candidate and the government, in their eyes, has already been overthrown. Their entire perspective is that Biden is entirely illegitimate and that T**** is only in exile until such time as the system can be righted again.
It’s still delusional, but we, the Democrats, are the ones that are the losers, despite all reports to the contrary.
Kim Wyman is right. They’re going to “find” that Trump “won”. But their findings won’t be legally binding. So then what? The usual specialty du jour on the Trump menu: chaos.
They’re claiming they’re doing this to increase confidence in the electoral process, but what they’re really purposely trying to do is sow doubt. So the Cyber Monkeys will rule for Trump, then they’ll pack up and head for Georgia or wherever, leaving chaos in their wake. This counts as a win to Trump.
They’ll easily raise the money for this project in whatever state they target. I reckon the question is if state legislators are willing to be chaos agents like the Arizona senators are so eager to be.
I think we are being naive and foolish if we simply laugh off these audits. If they can create a story that they audited and found the “real truth” that Trump won, I truly believe we will see a major attempt at insurrection to install the “real” president. We need to fight these audits every step of the way. More important, we need to capture the news cycle and discredit them. I remember everyone laughed when Trump began running for the nomination. And then he bulldozed his way in. Do NOT make the same mistake again!
I wonder if several ballots had subtle but discernable ink color changes, indicating that they had been affected by the Doppler Shift, which might prove that ALL ballots in ALL states were part of a sophisticated deep space-based conspiracy to substitute real votes with deep space votes so that a more alien-friendly administration would take office?
Ask yourself!
The ask yourself: What is “Kamala Devi Harris” spelled backwards?
You can damn well expect Republicans to claim fraud with this years New Jersey and Virginia elections and their candidates won’t concede and it will further escalate in 2022.
Trump and the QAnon liars want blood in the streets and they will not stop until that happens.
That’s one of the beliefs underpinning all this nonsense, yes. It was the same thing with the birther movement. Some idiots back then thought that if it could be proved that Obama was born in Kenya, then suddenly every bill and executive order he signed as President would be automatically revoked.
Same deal here. If Trump actually won the election, they believe everything Biden is doing now will be magically reversed. As if government worked that way. Idiots.
I don’t disagree, but I do think the actions taken to achieve that end will snowball into some pretty severe crap. I mean, it’s already severe, but even severerer-r.
To what end? I understand why Trump would want to do it. I understand why someone wholly owned and controlled by Putin, like, say, McCarthy or Rudy, would want to do it.
Someone like Lin Wood is obviously fleecing the rubes. No uncertainty there.
I can see why the know-nothings and do-nothings in the state and national party would be doing so - they’re desperate to avoid being primaried by someone even lazier than they are who will spout the craziest shit they can think of today. That will of course attract those who think that Boebert is really smart and, well, shit, now it’s back to working at their father in law’s carpet store.